Senin, 03 Agustus 2020

[PDF] Download Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite by Peter Schweizer | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite
Author: Peter Schweizer
Number of pages:
Publisher: Harper (January 21, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 006289790X
Rating: 4,8     872 reviews

Book Description

About the Author Peter Schweizer is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a number one New York Times bestselling author whose books have been translated into eleven languages. Read more

Customers Review:

If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading Schweizer’s previous books, you’re in for a treat.Schweizer is an excellent researcher and you can be certain he has done his homework. In SECRET EMPIRES he went after the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION on both sides of the political aisle, including Senator Mitch McConnell and his wife’s ties to the Chinese government.In PROFILES IN CORRUPTION, Schweizer goes after the Biden 5, using extensive documentation to reveal the network of corrupt tributaries which feed the Washington DC swamp. He also attacks Senator Elizabeth Warren’s work on bankruptcy laws, then advising the same corporate clients impacted by those laws. Also put under scrutiny is Senator Amy Klobuchar’s interesting habit of taking big money from donors, then introducing laws to benefit those same donors a few days later.Schweizer’s writing reminds one of a fantastic criminal prosecutor, laying down a fast-paced and bullet-proof case for crimes on a scale which will be shocking to the average man or woman who tries to live a moral life. The biggest criminals are those who claim to be better than us.All Americans should give thanks to Peter Schweizer for the type of journalism that used to be done by our TV and print journalists before they were decimated by the internet.
Yesterday afternoon I spent an hour or so researching the bio of Peter Schweizer. The blurb for this book doesn’t mention much about him although it does mention several of his previous books …which I have not read. According to what I found, the author is the President of Government Accountability Institute (GAI). I did a little more research on ‘Clinton Cash:….” and checked several sources on the internet and this is what I found…… ‘Clinton Cash….” apparently had some factual errors in it that were corrected after publication. (7 or 8 passages) and it is also mentions that the Clinton Foundation admitted that it had made some mistakes and they had implemented new rules… That is as far as I wentThere is a certain amount of trust, I believe, when reading any book but especially now with books on politics being published at an alarming rate it is even more important that we trust what is being written. I read with an open mind and trust this author that the information presented is credible and well-researched.Such an interesting topic for me…And, as my title suggests, the abuse of power does indeed run deep. The author has presented ‘corporate documents and legal findings from around the globe’ (as stated in the description for the book).In the book itself, eight politicians are discussed and in detail. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Eric Garcetti and Sherrod Brown. I will admit that I was interested in Bernie Sanders the most as I am from Vermont. And, with the race for the Democratic nomination in full swing, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden were next on my list.According to the author this abuse of power comes in different forms. It may be that they use their positions to advance their position; it may be that they use their positions to advance and enrich themselves, using public power for personal gain and the use of the judicial system to right social wrongs. As one may envision, the more power one has, the more abuse of power is possible. And, there are financial ties to special interest.Am not going into detail about the eight mentioned in this book. I will admit that some were shocking revelations to me. It is amazing what one will do when power is at your beck and call. This book should be on your ‘read’ list prior to placing your vote in the upcoming Presidential election. The information presented in this one could very well change your thought process. Personally, I do not hold the same ideas about most of these individuals as I did prior to reading this one.Lots of notes are in the text so one can go to the back of the book, if interested, to check the sources. I thought it was a well researched book from the notes given.For me, a most interesting read and am glad that I purchased it. The manners in which power has been abused was indeed an eye opener (in some cases) for me. I think we all know that with the accumulation of power, there is the tendency to abuse it. Doesn’t make it right but…Highly recommended.
I bought the book after I saw Schweizer on TV last night. But there is so much more in this page turning book that I never thought possible. So you have the Biden five, Bernie Sanders and his wife’s relentless pursuit of capitalist gains, Kamala Harris who appears to be a very dirty cop, Elizabeth Warren and her three layer cake of corruption, Amy Klobuchar and her low energy cronyism… ON AND ON AND ON!!There just isn’t enough time in a TV segment for Schweizer to lay out all the evidence he has uncovered of terrible corruption among Americas progressive elite! You have to buy the book to believe it
This book is very interesting. When you start reading, it’s hard to put it down. I hope more people will read it and will contact their senators. Even if 50% of presented facts are true, it makes you think before voting for one of corrupt politicians author unmasked. This is the first book by Peter Schweizer I’ve red, now I will read all of them.
Fantastic piece exposing details the media refuses to provide.
Good read, on career politicians that do nothing good for our country!
Schweizer has probably risked more than his reputation by publishing this book. Exposing the machinations of the liberal elites could raise the awareness of the public, or so we hope.
In the world of bullet points and instant results this book, as well written as it is, has trouble maintaining interest. Ironically it is because it is so thorough that each transgression over proves the books central thesis: that these people are scurrilous examples of how to NOT conduct business. So Joe has thirty pages and Kamala has fifteen. The reasonable expectation of some hope for the future, some positive outcome, only applies to the future prosecution of these people. This is something that will never happen because surprise, surprise the system even exposed for what it is seems permanently compromised. I hope it will be a wakeup call to at least give lip service to putting an end to these morally corrupt people.