Selasa, 24 Maret 2020

[PDF] Download Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Mix Tape
Author: Jane Sanderson
Number of pages:
Publisher: Bantam Press (January 23, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 1787631923
Rating: 4,6     15 reviews

Book Description

Customers Review:

Loved the idea of ‘Mix Tape’ by Jane Sanderson. Music is so evocative of time, people, places and memories. How many of us can listen to just a few opening bars of a song and be transported right back to a scene from the past, an emotion, a particular person?AND…that’s exactly how it is for Ali (was Connor) and Dan Lawrence; set in the past and the present, with twenty years between them, now married to different people and living separate lives, music forges a powerful link between their teenage romance and present day responsibilities.Dan always wondered why Ali had run out on him, never knowing much of the minutiae and drama of her everyday life. Ali always envied Dan his secure and happy home life, scared to reveal too much for fear of losing him.From opposite sides of the world, Dan happens upon Ali following the publication of her first novel, sends her a song…and they are once again connected!I think I was more interested in the story of Dan and Ali’s past than I was of their present. They are the two main characters and due to the very nature of the story, I’m guessing as the readers we are expected to relate to Dan and Ali and wish them their happily ever after. I couldn’t do that; there was far too much hurt involved in their reconciliation as they appear to shed their families and lives on a whim and give up everything to be together. Unfortunately, however much I enjoyed the rest of ‘Mix Tape’, I’m a sensitive soul, and the ending left a bitter taste.
I really enjoyed reading this bookI thought the author wrote a really good story about first loves and what happens when teenagers fall in love.I sometimes think of my first love and wonder what he’s doing now.So its something I could relate too.How she wrote it 30 years later was extremely well written putting all these emotions in place and how you deal with feelings etc.The story had a few powerful moments and I had to binge read it as i couldn’t put it down.I really recommend you go buy this asap.I’m voluntarily reviewing an advance reader copy of this book given to me by Netgalley UK