Kamis, 05 Maret 2020

[PDF] Download Welcome to Management: How to Grow From Top Performer to Excellent Leader by Ryan Hawk | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Welcome to Management: How to Grow From Top Performer to Excellent Leader
Author: Ryan Hawk
Number of pages:
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (January 28, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 1260458059
Rating: 5     63 reviews

Book Description

From the Publisher Ryan Hawk is a keynote speaker, author, advisor, and the host of The Learning Leader Show, which Forbes called “the most dynamic leadership podcast out thereand Inc. magazine recognized on its list of “5 Podcasts to Make You a Smarter Leader.” Featuring interviews with hundreds of bestselling authors and world-renowned corporate, athletic, and military leaders, the show has millions of listeners in more than 150 countries.   As head of Brixey & Meyer’s leadership advisory practice, Ryan speaks regularly at Fortune 500 companies, works with teams and players in the NFL, NBA, and NCAA, and facilitates Leadership Circles that offer structured guidance and collaborative feedback to new and experienced leaders.   Ryan was a high school, college, and professional quarterback and captain. When he transitioned to the corporate world, he advanced professionally from award-winning individual contributor to vice president of sales for a multibillion-dollar company.   A lifelong student of leadership, Ryan draws upon his experiences, empirical evidence, and expert insights to strive for continuous improvement in his own life and to inspire other leaders to achieve and sustain excellence. He is passionate about helping others to become humble servant leaders who build committed organizations, as intentionally and painlessly as possible.For more information about Ryan Hawk, visit LearningLeader.com Read more From the Back Cover “Welcome to Management is the ultimate all-in-one guide to becoming a great leader—from developing the right skills, to building and managing teams, to coaching your employees. Whether you’re a novice in a brand-new leadership role or a veteran looking to get better, this wise book is for you”  —Daniel Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When, Drive, and To Sell Is Human “Ryan Hawk is a master of dualities: He’s a great leader, but also a ferocious learner. He’s an accomplished athlete, but he’s also excelled in the business world. He’s eminently interesting, but he’s also genuinely interested. Ryan has uncovered the secrets of what the best leaders do and how they think. If you are a new manager transitioning from player to coach, do yourself and your team a favor and read this book. Welcome to Management will teach you to lead like the pros and build a team that wins together.”  —Liz WisemanNew York Times bestselling author of Multipliers and Rookie Smarts “Ryan Hawk is a continuous learner and passionate teacher. His book, Welcome to Management, is an invaluable tool for anyone taking responsibility for managing others.”  —Patrick Lencioni, CEO of The Table Group and New York Times bestselling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage “Ryan Hawk’s work provides nuanced and articulate insights into the best way to begin developing a plan for bringing to light how we should lead—and it starts with reexamining ourselves.”  —from the foreword by General Stanley McChrystal, New York Times bestselling author of Team of Teams “Every new manager makes mistakes. But you might make fewer of them if you follow the practical advice that Ryan Hawk has spent years collecting.”  —Adam Grant, Professor of Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, New York Timesbestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, and host of the TED podcast WorkLife  “Welcome to Management by Ryan Hawk is more than a guide on how to effectively lead people. It will force you to look inward and rethink how you learn, grow, and improve. If you want to scale up your leadership ability, you must read this book.”  —Verne Harnish, founder of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and bestselling author of Scaling Up “Greatness is in the agency of others. The transition from player to coach is a drastic one, but Hawk’s accessible, practical read will help new managers learn what it takes to move from being responsible for their own success to being responsible for the success of many.” —Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and bestselling author of The Four and The Algebra of Happiness  “If you are curious and open for the ride, you will discover that leadership is a journey into yourself. Ryan Hawk is someone who points the way, illustrating how you can’t lead a team or a company until you first learn to lead yourself. Ryan offers inspiring and practical advice based on his lessons as a sports and business athlete and by sharing insights he’s learned from others along the way.”  —Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE and bestselling author of Imagine It Forward “A superb script for sustained success, Welcome to Management is the perfect playbook for leaders who want to go to the next level.”  —James Kerr, bestselling author of Legacy  “Ryan Hawk is that rarest of people—a truly curious soul who asks questions that drill down into the heart of the matter, leave space for contemplation, and gently urge his subjects to look inside for answers they might not yet have discovered themselves.”  —Robert KursonNew York Times bestselling author of Shadow Divers  “New managers face a steep learning curve and an entirely new landscape of opportunity and responsibility. With this book, Ryan has created a resource for the day-to-day tactics of great leaders. Don’t miss out on this incredible companion for managers who aspire to lead strong teams to extraordinary outcomes.”  —Scott Belsky, Founder and CEO of Behance and author of The Messy Middle “The same traits that brought Ryan Hawk success as an athlete and business leader—curiosity, self-awareness, commitment—make him an indispensable guide to the crucial and often challenging transition from player to leader. By reading Welcome to Management, you’ll be standing on the shoulders of the hundreds of legendary business leaders whose wisdom Hawk has distilled.”  —Alex Hutchinson, bestselling author of Endure  “If you are new to a leadership role, then this book has the power to take years off your learning curve. If you have been leading a team forever, then the depth of experience in this read will make you wonder how you made it this far without it and will empower you to raise your game to a new level.”  —Phil Jones, author of Exactly What to Say “A thorough, well-researched, and highly practical manual for new managers. When you promote someone, first congratulate them, and then immediately hand them a copy of this book.”  —Todd Henry, author of Herding Tigers  “Ryan Hawk offers much needed practical advice to help tackle the challenges ahead for new managers. It is especially valuable as you realize the hard truth that being good at a job doesn’t directly translate into being successful at leading others to do it. That hard truth, and Ryan’s answer to it, are worth buying this book.”  —Annie Duke, bestselling author of Thinking in Bets “Ryan Hawk uses his unique knowledge and understanding of leadership to help the reader learn practical ways to lead, to build the right culture, and to improve each day. Ryan uses great examples to deliver his message, and after reading this book, I am ready to enact his words of wisdom.”  —Michael Lombardi, three-time Super Bowl–winning executive and author of Gridiron Genius  “A no-nonsense book from a no-nonsense guy about the challenges and opportunities of leadership, drawn from experience and failure and the best of what others have figured out.”  —Brent Beshore, CEO of adventur.es and author of The Messy Marketplace  “From the time he was a young high school and collegiate quarterback to the present, Ryan Hawk has always had the passion to serve and to lead. His presentations, podcasts, and now his book will make a difference in many lives.”  —Jim Tressel, former National Champion Ohio State University football coach and President of Youngstown State University     Read more About the Author Ryan Hawk is a keynote speaker, author, advisor, and the host of The Learning Leader Show, which Forbes called “the most dynamic leadership podcast out thereand Inc. magazine recognized on its list of “5 Podcasts to Make You a Smarter Leader.” Featuring interviews with hundreds of bestselling authors and world-renowned corporate, athletic, and military leaders, the show has millions of listeners in more than 150 countries.   As head of Brixey & Meyer’s leadership advisory practice, Ryan speaks regularly at Fortune 500 companies, works with teams and players in the NFL, NBA, and NCAA, and facilitates Leadership Circles that offer structured guidance and collaborative feedback to new and experienced leaders.   Ryan was a high school, college, and professional quarterback and captain. When he transitioned to the corporate world, he advanced professionally from award-winning individual contributor to vice president of sales for a multibillion-dollar company.   A lifelong student of leadership, Ryan draws upon his experiences, empirical evidence, and expert insights to strive for continuous improvement in his own life and to inspire other leaders to achieve and sustain excellence. He is passionate about helping others to become humble servant leaders who build committed organizations, as intentionally and painlessly as possible.For more information about Ryan Hawk, visit LearningLeader.com Read more

Customers Review:

Ryan Hawk just produced the book I needed 8 years ago. During my college years, Iplayed 4 years of college tennis and after my senior year, I was offered an assistant coachposition at the same school. It was a very tough transition because I went from an individualcontributor to leading some of my teammates in a matter of months.Ryan draws examples from his podcast and personal experience to explain howsomeone can face this transition period in their careers and feel adequate to handle iteffectively. He starts the book with how one can start leading oneself, then he moves to howone can build an efficient team. And he finishes with how one can lead the team in an powerful,meaningful and productive way.Lastly, I wanted to mention his “Acknowledgment Section”. Ryan has said many times inhis podcast that when he picks up a book, the first thing he does is read the AcknowledgmentSection. He does that, because in that section he can see who were the people that influencedthe writer the most in his life. Ryan’s “Acknowledgement Section” is one of the most thoughtout and detailed section I have ever read. I wish he would write a book just about the people heacknowledged in his book.If you are an individual contributor now but has aspirations to move up to amanagement position, or you are already in a leadership position: read this book! It will give youso many insights that you could start preparing for or using on day 1!
Ryan has made it his personal mission to rid the world of bad bosses, but what I admire most about him is how he invites the audience to learn along with him. He’s the consummate investigator. He’s not the person with all the answers. He’s the person who said, we need some answers, I’ll go find it, come along for this journey. He’s done this for YEARS with his podcast, The Learning Leader show, and now his book. I wish I had this when I became a manager years ago, and I hope more emerging managers will grab this or receive this once they transition from practitioner to leader.
Welcome to Management includes material that is applicable to all who desire to grow their leadership abilities. While it is directed at those new to management, aspiring individual contributors and seasoned senior leadership alike will find the information included therein of great value.As Ryan notes in the book as being so important, I appreciated his storytelling and the balance it held in line with case study examples and meaningful quotes from the world’s best leaders and intellectuals. I found each of his anecdotes to be very relatable and a helpful example of his overall message. Being early in my career, it was comforting to read of Ryan’s early experiences that have been similar to my own and to learn how he recovered from a mistake or grew from a painful experience.Ryan’s authenticity shows in his willingness to provide very specific suggestions or guidelines for common problems both new and experienced managers face, such as hiring a new team member or preparing for a meeting. He is not afraid to share his “secret sauce” in what has made him successful.This book will certainly be one I come back to often, both to help me in my day-to-day role as well as remind me of the kind of leader I hope to be.
I have been a people manager for the past 2.5 years, but the entire time has been a learning curve. This is something that I always wanted to do in my career as I love working with others, but it is much harder than I imagined. This book, Welcome to Management, is something I wish had 2.5 years ago when I was brand new to my role as a people leader, but it is still just as relevant to me today as it would have been a few years ago!I love the way that the author interweaves engaging stories and thoughtful examples with case studies to help share useful tips on how to be successful in this field. Because the book has an informal and approachable style, it is so relatable. I love that there are so many useful tips and that everything is summarized in such a useful fashion at the end of each section so that I can capture the key items all in one page. It also references so many great books that I now have an entire reading list to last me the whole year! In reading this book, I have so many ideas and tip that I cannot wait to try then in my personal life, in my business relationships, and with my team.I highly recommend this book for any people leader, but honestly, this book is applicable to every single person! I am planning to share a copy of this book with so many friends and colleagues!
Ryan’s insights into management are incredible! He lays out very clearly his principles of leadership and it all starts with learning to lead yourself. Then he explains how to create an elite workplace culture and how to build an effective team. I found the third part of the book about actually leading your team to be the most humbling. I have been in many management positions most of my life and I wish I would have had this book twenty years ago. I recommend this book to anyone just starting in management and to those that have been leading for a long time.