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[PDF] Download Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir by Marsha M. Linehan | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir
Author: Marsha M. Linehan
Number of pages:
Publisher: Random House (January 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 0812994612
Rating: 4,8     44 reviews

Book Description

Review “Shocking and heart-wrenching on one end, triumphant on the other, and an inspiration of hope all the way through.”Goop“In Building a Life Worth Living, Marsha Linehan shares her experience of suicidal depression to help others who may be experiencing this themselves or in someone they love. Since using what happens to us to help others is the final stage of healing, this book is a victory on both sides of the page.”—Gloria Steinem, New York Times bestselling author of My Life on the Road“A brilliant memoir by one of the greatest pioneers in psychotherapy history . . . Marsha Linehan holds absolutely nothing back, making good on the vow she made as a young woman to escape hell and help others do the same. This book—in its fierce honesty and, for the careful reader, its practical advice—will help anyone who has struggled to build a life worth living.”—Angela Duckworth, New York Times bestselling author of Grit“To read this book is to understand how a life is built. In dark, there is light. Everything in Marsha Linehan’s life and remarkable memoir uncovers the dark—the hell of the unhappy self and the hell of inadequate help—and brings us into the light, with humor and detail in describing her grappling and growth, and her courage and vision of how to create a treatment for even the most unhappy of us.”—Amy Bloom, New York Times bestselling author of White Houses “Powerful and intimate . . . Linehan ably guides readers along her roller-coaster life as she conquers the male-dominated world of academia while hiding her physical and emotional scars. . . . Readers looking to overcome their past will find inspiration in this dramatic, heartfelt narrative.”Publishers Weekly “Practical and engaging . . . Linehan leads readers through her life and details how key moments brought her to develop DBT [Dialectical Behavior Therapy], bringing mindfulness into psychotherapy. Weaving the instructive with the personal, she alternates anecdotes with universal tools for approaching life with a combination of acceptance and motivation to change.”Booklist “Gripping . . . An inspiring account of healing and helping.”Kirkus Reviews Read more About the Author Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, ABPP, is the developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and a professor of psychology, adjunct professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and director of the Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics at the University of Washington. Her primary research interest is in the development and evaluation of evidence-based treatments for populations with high suicide risk and multiple severe mental disorders. Dr. Linehan’s contributions to suicide research and clinical psychology research have been recognized with numerous awards, including the Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Application of Psychology from the American Psychological Foundation, the Scientific Research Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Career/Lifetime Achievement award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Grawemeyer Award for Psychology. In 2018, Dr. Linehan was featured in a special issue of Time magazine, “Great Scientists: The Geniuses and Visionaries Who Transformed Our World.” Read more Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Chapter OneBuilding a Life Experienced as Worth LivingIt was a beautiful summer’s day, toward the end of June 2011. I was standing in front of an audience of about two hundred in a large auditorium at the Institute of Living, a renowned psychiatric institution in Hartford, Connecticut.Uncharacteristically for me, I was anxious about giving my talk. I was there to tell the story of how, more than two decades earlier, I had developed a type of behavioral treatment for highly suicidal people, known as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT for short). It was the first successful treatment for this population of people who experience their lives as being in hell, so miserable that death seems to them a reasonable alternative.A lot of people were at the institute to hear me talk that June day. There were people from all around the world who had been trained in the therapy, people who knew me or knew of my research, former students and colleagues, my family. I’d given talks about DBT many, many times before. When I did, I usually titled the talk “DBT: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going.” I would describe how I had developed the therapy through several years of exploratory research, often involving trial and error. I would describe its impact on suicidal people, what other conditions it was proving to be beneficial for, and so on.But my talk that June day was going to be different. I was going to tell people for the first time how I really came to develop DBT. Not just the years of research and trials that went into it, but my personal journey, too. “Writing this talk has been one of the most difficult things I have done in my life,” I began.I Didn’t Want to Die a CowardI have done many hard things in my life, most prominent of which was having to come to terms with a totally unexpected complete and devastating breakdown of me, of who I was in the world, which you will get a glimpse of shortly. As a result of that episode, I had to fight to rebuild my high school education, which required me to go to night school while doing a day job to support myself. It was a day-­job-­and-­night-­school life again for me as I then strove to be a university undergraduate. By this time I had spent a lot of time living in small rooms in YWCAs in different cities. Most of the time I was friendless. And at almost every step of the way, I faced rejection after rejection that might easily have derailed me on my journey. Later, in my professional life, I had to battle to have my radical ideas and approach to therapy accepted by my peers and by the world of psychiatry more generally, and struggle as a female in male-­dominated academia.I had been working on the talk for three months. Many times, I rued the fact that I had put myself into this predicament. I had to compress my life into the space of ninety minutes. Another problem was that I have almost complete amnesia of my life before my twenties, and up to twenty-­five, for reasons I will explain. What I have instead are “lightbulb memories,” bright moments of recollection sparsely scattered across a dark canvas. It’s like looking at the night sky in the city, where you see points of light from planets and stars here and there, but mostly it is unbroken blackness. I therefore had to turn to family, friends, and colleagues to help me reconstruct my life story, drawing on their vastly superior memories of my past. It was a difficult process—­and, more than that, I was about to reveal publicly for the first time extremely intimate details about my life that for decades I had kept a carefully guarded secret, outside of a few very close friends and my family. So why did I want to do this?Because I didn’t want to die a coward. Continuing to keep quiet about my life seemed to me a cowardly thing to do.Could I Make It Through the Talk Without Tears?The Institute of Living had been an important part of my life, and I therefore thought it would be a good venue for me to give the talk I was planning. I had called David Tolin, who was director of the institute’s Anxiety Disorders Center, and said I wanted to give an important talk on the East Coast and thought the IOL would be a good place to give it. He was thrilled, until I told him I wanted to give the talk in one of the large rooms, because I knew it would draw a big audience. He agreed, but only if I would tell him why. I did.Now that I was there, in front of several hundred people, I wondered, “What have I gotten myself into?” I was worried that I would not be able to make it through the talk without tears, and I absolutely did not want to cry.I began by telling the audience that, when I give talks about the development of DBT, I usually say that it began in 1980, when I was awarded a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. The grant was for me to conduct research on the efficacy of behavior therapy for individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. “But this wasn’t when my passion for getting people out of hell started,” I said.I looked at the audience for a few seconds, casting my eyes here and there at the gathering of so many wonderful people in my life—­friends, colleagues, students and former students. I knew that my sister, Aline, would be there, and I had especially wanted my brothers, John, Earl, Marston, and Mike, to be there, but I wasn’t sure Aline would be able to get them to come. Yet there they were, sitting in the front row. Right behind them were Geraldine, my Peruvian daughter, and her husband, Nate, with whom I have lived ever since they were married. Geraldine’s brother and his partner were also there. I thanked them and everyone else for coming. In this very emotional moment, I was on the edge of tears. Fortunately, none showed up.The Real Beginnings of DBT“In reality, the seeds of DBT were planted in 1961,” I continued, “when, at age eighteen, I was admitted here, to the Institute of Living.”I had been a happy-­go-­lucky, confident high school girl, popular among my classmates, often the one to initiate activities—­organizing concerts, for example, or simply getting together a group of us to go to the drugstore for ice cream. I was always careful to make sure everyone’s needs were met, that no one was left out of the action. In my junior year I was nominated to be class Mardi Gras queen. My popularity extended beyond having a lot of friends to being elected and nominated to important class roles in junior year and senior year. I was the kind of girl who might be voted “most popular” or “most likely to succeed.”But then, as my senior year progressed, this confident girl began to disappear.I did not know what had happened to me. No one knew. My experience at the institute was one of descending into hell, an out-­of-­control storm of emotional torture and absolute anguish. There was no escape. “God, where are you?” I whispered each day, but got no answer. I find the pain and turmoil hard to describe. How do you adequately describe what it is like being in hell? You can’t. You can only feel it, experience it. And I did. I felt this inside myself, and it came out finally as suicidal behavior.But I survived. And toward the end of my time at the institute, I made a promise to God, a vow, that I would get myself out of hell—­and that once I did, I would find a way to get others out of hell, too. Read more

Customers Review:

I have been a DBT therapist for about 15 years. One of my former coworkers was sent this book by the publisher to read and review. I sent the publisher an email and asked for a copy as well, citing trainings I had done as a participant and facilitator, reviews of books pertaining to DBT which I had read, and even included a photo of me with Marsha from a training in Seattle. I read it in one sitting and immediately purchased a copy through Amazon so I could loan it out.I tried not to do my normal reading thing–make notes in pencil, annotate specific quotes in a small notebook, and make a list of other books to read–but resorted to this by page 75. I also was making apple butter with pecans so had wonderful aromas in the kitchen as well as a pot of strong coffee. Then, to make the mood absolutely perfect–had my Alexa speaker play Adele. I think Marsha would have enjoyed that.I have been fortunate to participate in trainings with Marsha and to have staffed clients with her. She used to have students from her intensive trainings over for dinner at her house. It was absolutely wonderful to walk around arm-in-arm with her and have her tell me kind thoughts and wish me well with my clients. That was really one of my life’s highlights.Around 2012 I was doing a DBT group with adolescent girls. One 12 year old asked if possibly Marsha was ‘one of us?’ I asked her what she meant by that, why did she think so? And the child said it was because she seemed to know exactly what we had been through. I nodded and told them about the NY Times article and brought it in the following week. When I had met Marsha her arms still bore severe scarring.On page 176 Marsha talks about using occasional strategic helplessness–which had me laughing out loud. When my oldest daughter was 18, the car made a funny noise and we pulled off road. She asked how we would get some help? I knew this kid was going to be moving out and on her own and I suggested she pop the hood and look forlornly at the engine–said some man would be by in about 5 minutes to help us out. Yes. I did that even after having come up in the 70’s and having been told no most of my life–I have used occasional strategic helplessness to my advantage.On page 272 there is a remarkable awareness of the misery shared by many borderline clients which Marsha identifies as being homesick. How poignant. What an apt description.There is a brilliant quote by Rainer Maria Rilke that should be on the wall of all DBT therapists, at least 4 other books I want to look up. Much of the information on skills and research was familiar to me. It was fun to go to the ISITDBT conference and see many of the DBT rock stars.Many DBT therapists are gifted trainers and have helped thousands of people over the course of their work. Marsha is a solid human being who has made the most of what was given to and made available to her. She is a remarkable human being. She loves her clients and her work. If the level of DBT experience and capability was identified by the seat number you were given at the world’s largest stadium–I would probably be at home watching the event on TV. Still, Marsha makes everyone feel they belong at the head table.One last thing. I grew up in Connecticut and our mother was at the Institute of Living on several occasions–also in the 1960s into the early 1970s. A sad dialectic– it was a renowned hospital and it was unpleasant. Shock treatments and cold packs were often the norm and no one spoke of mental illness. Marsha’s development of biosocial theory and her path to wellness are earned.This book would be validating to persons with borderline personality disorder, their family members, therapists who provide DBT services, and especially those who may work with persons with borderline personality disorder who do not share the love of those suffering.Thank you, Marsha. We love you.
Please buy this book. Anyone who is stuck in depression. Experiences recurring depression or If you are emotionally stuck but have the ability to use your intellect to sort through your problems, get this book. Very compelling. The author refers alot to the most damaged patients, but anyone needing skills to function in this world will benefit from this book.
With this memoir, Marsha Linehan enters the pantheon of great American folk heroes. Marsha stands alongside Bill W. and Dr. Bob, the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, all of whom suffered deeply, and embarked on a quest to find a path out of hell, first for themselves, and then for others. To her credit, and to the world’s good fortune, Marsha Linehan’s commitment included a rigorous commitment to a scientific psychology.Few people can match Marsha’s sheer grit and determination in the face of obstacles, inner or outer. The heart of that determination came from a commitment to serve humanity, following a spiritual epiphany at age twenty. The result was the creation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an evidence-based therapy for chronically suicidal and self-injurious people. But DBT also serves as a lifeway for all those who wish to live a more meaningful, rich, and effective life. And who among us doesn’t?Marsha’s life journey is chronicled, from her descent into the torment of her youth, to her role as a world-renowned scientist and clinical innovator, and finally as a Zen teacher and spiritual mentor. Marsha’s voice, her wisdom, and her terrific sense of humor can be heard throughout the memoir. Her discovery of how to live an “antidepressant life” is priceless (p. 182 -183) and, if followed, is by itself worth buying the book. When you’ve finished the last page, you’ll be momentarily breathless and deeply moved. Then, you’ll want to immediately share it, by giving it away to someone you love.
Dr. L, Thank you for this gift of sharing your beautiful personal journey. Having for years respected you and utilized DBT, since your story was in the NYT, I have referenced your personal journey and you have been a beacon of hope for my patients who have felt hopeless. Your self-transcendent mission is truly inspiring. This week, I will highly recommend BLWL to the Psychiatry interns/residents who consult with me. I believe those of us in healthcare have much to learn and appreciate from you about ourselves as “wounded healers” and much we can continue to learn from you about helping to diminish the suffering of those who consult with us, and, much to learn from you in supporting them in building a life worth living. Thank you.
I couldn’t put this book down. Linehan is one of the greatest psychologists of our time, and she has an amazing story. This book is well written and easy to fall into. Highly recommended.
Such an eye opening book. I think all people should have to take a class on DBT. Teachers and professors can definitely benefit from learning what DBT is. Marsha sharing her life experiences is the best way to get through to some. Working as a nurse for 30+ years, I’ve seen many patients and coworkers that can benefit from DBT. Excellent read. Thank you Marsha Linehan for sharing your story.