Book Details Title: Tsunami Watch: Power, Pain and Progress in the American Narrative | |
Book DescriptionCurrent upheavals in American society continue to perplex even the most astute gurus, confuse our most poignant political pundits, and baffle analysts on a daily basis. Is there a viable paradigm that might bring clarity to this seeming chaos? Tsunami Watch exposes the reality and implications of unavoidable power shifts within American society and offers a fresh perspective on how we might approach them in the most constructive manner. Often subtle, silent, and subconscious, current sociological phenomena need to be publicly examined and openly discussed if America intends to navigate them well and mitigate their historically devastating consequences.Will America embrace the value and unfathomed potential of collective diversity, unified in purpose? How will we, both individually and corporately, tackle the Great Experiment’s newest challenge? Customers Review: Howard and Kosten have pulled off an impressive feat. In one brief work, they have calmly and cooly demonstrated several things–our country is facing the eminent and enormous challenge of cultural power shifts; our government’s track record with past shifts is disappointing; ineffective and unfair policies and legislation stem ultimately from fear, even hatred, that are present in my own heart, too; and we can either fail at this challenge OR we can choose to overcome it. The writers make very clear that reconciliation is the path forward, and each one of us has a part to play! I highly recommend this book to you, and urge you to teach your children and the next generation to “love their neighbors as themselves.”