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[PDF] Download The Wild One (A Peter Ash Novel) by Nick Petrie | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: The Wild One (A Peter Ash Novel)
Author: Nick Petrie
Number of pages:
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons (January 14, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 0525535446
Rating: 4,5     114 reviews

Book Description

Review “If you’re not already on the #PeterAsh train, jump aboard now. #TheWildOne is a beautifully written novel, rich with deep, complex characters, full-throttle action, and a superbly realized setting. @_NickPetrie_ is doing headliner work.”—Robert Crais, author of A Dangerous Man”Nick Petrie’s exceptional writing has earned him comparisons to many of the thriller-genre greats, but The Wild One announces that period has come to an end: Petrie is setting the bar, not reaching for it.”—Michael Koryta, New York Times-bestselling author of Those Who Wish Me Dead“Thrilling….A powerfully wrought addition to the series.”—Shelf Awareness (starred review)“This kinetic, breathless masterpiece illustrates why Petrie is here to stay.”—Publishers Weekly“Lots of authors want to be the next Lee Child, but only Petrie has a real shot at that title. His Peter Ash series is every bit as good as the Jack Reacher books, and his latest—the first set outside of the United States—is his finest work to date. I read this one in one sitting and was hooked from the very first page.”—The Real Book Spy”Novelist Lee Child has blessed Ash as a character who merits comparison to his own Jack Reacher. What further distinguishes Petrie’s novels is the depth of care he brings to writing about Ash’s significant PTSD…The Wild One is also a love letter to Iceland and its people…Petrie’s novel characterizes it as a beautiful and civilized country. If Ash must have a dark night of the soul somewhere, he couldn’t have picked a better place.”—The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel“Nick Petrie once again proves himself to be a maestro, wielding his keyboard with all the deftness of a master conductor’s baton, in The Wild One…This seems to be the month for terrific action thrillers, and Petrie is on comfortable, familiar ground there. The Wild One is one wild ride that races along at breakneck speed toward a shattering conclusion.”—Providence Journal Read more About the Author Nick Petrie is the author of four novels in the Peter Ash series, most recently Tear it Down. His debut The Drifter won both the ITW Thriller award and the Barry Award for Best First Novel, and was a finalist for the Edgar and the Hammett awards. A husband and father, he lives in Milwaukee. Read more Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. 1 Twelve Months Earlierîskar wakes them both by jumping into their bed, a warm and wiggly bundle of excitement. Erik groans, and Sarah buries her head under the covers. It’s barely dawn, and the Air and Space Museum doesn’t open until ten, but îskar doesn’t care. He wraps himself around his father’s neck. “Happy Sunday,” îskar whispers loudly, seven years old and unable to contain himself. “Happy Family Day!”Sunday is Family Day, when îskar gets to choose an activity they will all do together. For more Sundays than Erik cares to think about, the Air and Space Museum, with a food truck lunch on the Mall, has been îskar’s choice. But Erik is still mixing batter for Family Day pancakes when Sarah’s phone rings with a work emergency. She gives Erik an apologetic look and runs upstairs to put on work clothes.Erik can’t face yet another Sunday fighting the tourists for a glimpse of the moon lander without her. Instead, he drops to his knees on the dirty kitchen floor. “îskar,” he says, “I have an idea. What would you say to a Viking adventure in Rock Creek Park?” They have been reading Neil Gaiman’s book on Norse mythology together, and the big park has plenty of wild sections and epic landscapes.îskar cheers and jumps around the house, climbing the furniture while Erik stuffs a backpack with sandwiches and extra clothes and a thermos full of hot chocolate, knowing that îskar will happily wander all day if he’s warm and fed. December weather in Washington, D.C., is nothing for a pair of real Vikings.After a long and muddy day of exploration, they arrive back home at the last unrestored town house in Adams Morgan. îskar sprawls on the floor amid a chaos of Lego and buttery crusts of toast, while Erik stands at the open refrigerator, waiting for Sarah to text him back.It is unlike Sarah to ignore her phone. Erik reminds himself that his wife runs her own small cybersecurity company, and a client emergency could well be a very serious thing. She might not be home until midnight or later, and dinner won’t wait with a hungry boy in the house.Erik is the one who likes the predictable pleasures of domestic life. Sarah, on the other hand, thrives on emergencies. She still loves late nights dancing in clubs where the floors are sticky and the music is loud enough to lose yourself until daybreak. Erik is happy to be her designated driver because his pleasure comes from watching his brilliant, buttoned-down wife slam around the dance floor in ripped Levi’s and an ancient biker jacket, alarming the bartenders. On the wildest nights, she pulls him into the back of their minivan, where she frees him from the confines of his pants, then wiggles her tight and sweaty jeans down to her ankles to get him inside her with delicious and slightly alarming efficiency.His family, of course, loves Sarah’s wild side.Erik has chicken thighs braising and a green salad coming together when, to his surprise, Sarah bangs through the back door, her scuffed leather bag slung over one shoulder.As usual, Sarah’s crisp, professional look has come undone during the course of her workday. Her sandy hair falls free from its ponytail, wisps hovering around her forehead like stray thoughts. Her good wool coat is unbuttoned and the weight of her bag pulls her starched shirt askew and up the lush curve of her hips, making visible a crescent of pale skin at her waist.Erik always finds this aspect of his wife profoundly sexy. His plan is to put îskar to sleep as soon as possible, pour her a drink to vanquish the day, and then do his utmost to kiss his wife out of her clothing. The calendar says she’s ovulating. Erik wants nothing more than another child.Yet when he steps in to press his lips to hers, she holds him back with a hand on his chest. Her eyes remain dark and he knows she has not yet resolved her emergency.”I need to show you something.” She slips her bag off her shoulder. “Where’s îskar?””Busy.” Erik tilts his head toward the tinkle of Lego and îskar’s voice mumbling numbers in the living room. “What’s up?”Sarah sets her laptop on the counter and types in her long and complicated password, automatically positioning her body to shield her keystrokes from prying eyes. Nothing personal, Erik knows, just long habit and sensitive client materials. She doesn’t even use their home Wi-Fi, preferring a dedicated secure cell modem.Then she steps sideways to make room for him at the counter, but keeps her torso angled to block the view from the door to the dining room. The door îskar would come through. She hits a key and a paused video frame comes up on the screen.It shows a dim room, two pale bodies entangled on a dark leather couch.She presses Play. The bodies begin to move. There is nothing remotely sexy about it. Erik can tell immediately that something is profoundly wrong.It takes him several moments, however, to realize exactly how wrong. The body on top is significantly larger than the body on the bottom. One is a grown man, his pants down to his knees. The other is just a girl. And she fights to get free.Erik turns from the screen. “Sarah, what is this?””Wait.” She checks over her shoulder for their son. “Keep watching.””I’d rather not.” Erik puts out a hand to block his view.”Watch,” she commands, and pulls his hand out of the way. The camera zooms in. The girl’s face is a mask of pain and terror. She looks very young. The man’s face is rapt, mesmerized by his own pleasure and power. He holds the girl down with a practiced grip on the back of her neck.Erik stabs out a finger and the video vanishes.Sarah touches a key and the video returns. Her voice is calm. “Look at him, Erik. Do you recognize him?”Erik blinks. He looks. He does recognize the man. He fumbles for the remote and turns on the small television in the corner of the kitchen. And there the man stands, as he does so often, on a futuristic set with his crisp haircut and a fresh shave and a microphone on his lapel, wearing a midnight suit and a blood-red tie.The same man in the video with the girl.That same face. Mouth moving, always talking, charming his viewers. Right now his topic is regional stability and the protection of American interests overseas, but Erik doesn’t hear a word. He can’t stand it. He feels sick to his stomach. He unplugs the TV and looks at Sarah.”Where on earth did this come from?”2Present DayPeter Ash woke, gasping for breath, from a dream of gunfire. He could still feel the desert heat on his skin, and the memory of spent powder lingered in his nose.Beside him, his elderly seatmate strained upward, one finger stabbing the call button overhead.Peter blinked away the nightmare, wondering what he’d said or done in his sleep. He was a tall, bony man with shaggy black hair, a tired face, and the thoughtful eyes of a werewolf five minutes before the change. His green hiking pants were frayed at the seams, his Counterbalance Brewing T-shirt ghosted with old stains.A beefy male flight attendant advanced up the aisle, broad face expressionless, hands open and ready. Watching him approach, Peter could tell the man had some physical training, and was probably tasked with controlling unruly passengers on this packed transatlantic flight.Peter raised a hand and caught the other man’s eye. “Sorry.” It was hard to get the words out, his throat choked with the panic raised by the memories still burned into his brain. His T-shirt was damp with sweat and his mouth was dry as a dust storm. “Just a bad dream. Give me a minute, I’ll be fine.”He bent to his bag stuffed under the seat and fumbled the flap as he dug for his pills. His seatmate had shrunk himself against the window, minimizing any contact. Passengers across the aisle were looking anywhere but at him.”Sir.” The flight attendant was almost on him. Peter’s chest was tight, his lungs fighting for air. The cabin of the wide-body jet closed in hard. His fingers closed on the prescription bottle and he straightened up.”I’m all right.” He tried to believe it. “I just need my meds.”He fumbled the top off and shook four of the small pink circles into his hand. Then he found the last intact mini bottle of Reyka vodka in his seat pocket, twisted it open, and swallowed hard, pushing the pills down.The dreams were new.He’d come back from Iraq with claustrophobia bad enough to make living outside seem like a good idea. For more than a year, he’d slept alone under the stars or under a rain fly, high above the tree line of one mountain range or another, barely able to manage resupply in small-town grocery stores.The post-traumatic stress came from kicking in doors in Fallujah, he figured. All those weeks of fighting house to house, room to room, clearing insurgents one doorway at a time.Along with everything else he’d done.He called it the white static, that feeling of electric overdrive that sparked up his brainstem, calculating firing angles, searching for exits. Nerves jangling like bare electrodes under the skin, his chest so tight he couldn’t breathe, his fight-or-flight reflex gone into overdrive. When he first mustered out, he could only handle twenty minutes inside before the static turned into a full-blown panic attack.In the time since then, he’d found a way forward. He’d made friends with the static, in a way, and a start at a new life. He’d found a veterans’ group. He’d met a woman he didn’t deserve, a woman named June Cassidy.But he’d never had dreams, not like this. Not until after Memphis.Something had broken loose inside him there. Something he’d thought he’d had under control. Now it was roaming around in his head, knocking pictures off the walls, breaking the goddamn furniture.In retrospect, this trip was a bad idea. He’d been in a hurry, had booked his tickets for same-day travel. Seats were limited and the schedule was brutal. He’d started in Portland, Oregon, changed planes and airlines in Minneapolis, then done it again in New York.Long hours spent in the stale fluorescent clatter of airports, televisions blaring CNN and the Senate hearings at every turn.More long hours with his oversized frame jammed into undersized seats, trapped in a cigar tube at thirty-five thousand feet.His only exercise was pacing the aisles, his only sleep a few fitful naps. He’d hoped the Valium would help keep the white static at bay, but he’d been stuck inside for too long.The static was losing patience.The werewolf was coming.He touched the little screen on the seatback. The plane icon was over Greenland now. Only ninety minutes to Reykjav’k, Iceland, in late December. Where it snowed or rained for days at a time and the sun never truly rose, only brightening the sky for a few hours at midday.He got up and went to the tiny restroom and splashed his face with water. He didn’t look at himself in the mirror. He knew he wouldn’t like what he saw there. On his way back to his seat, he plucked two more mini vodkas from the flight crew’s service area and tossed them down in one go.Maybe the dreams came from the Valium, fucking with him. It wasn’t supposed to be a long-term solution. He’d read up on the side effects, and they weren’t good. He sure as hell wasn’t supposed to be chasing it with vodka, although the pills alone had stopped working months ago.Maybe it was simply the price to be paid for getting back to some kind of meaningful work.Or maybe he was just running away.He told himself he’d quit the Valium once he got off the plane. He’d pick up his rental, find a place to park outside the city, and sleep it off, all of it. He had plenty of practice sleeping in a vehicle.For now, he closed his eyes and drifted.The airportÕs long, narrow halls were packed with people. Peter walked with the crowd to get his heavy pack and duffel, trying not to run, jumping out of his skin with the need to stand under the open sky and feel the wind on his face. Eight in the morning, and still dark outside. Daylight wouldnÕt come for hours.At customs, the female agent behind the glass ran Peter’s passport under the scanner. He heard a beep and her cool eyes flickered up at him. “Please wait a moment.”In less than a minute, two uniformed agents appeared as if from thin air, a man and a woman. The man collected Peter’s passport from the scanner. “Sir, please come with us.”His English had just a trace of an accent. Sir became not quite shir, us became not quite ush, with a slight whistle to the sibilants. He was older than Peter, early fifties but slim in a crisp black uniform and fresh shave. His uniform had two tags, one in Icelandic on the right breast, lšgreglan, and one on the left that read police. There were no other markings of rank that Peter could see.The woman was younger than Peter, but not by much. Her tag read customs.Peter took a deep breath and let it out. The white static crackled higher up his brainstem, vaporizing the haze of Valium and vodka. His nerves twanged like a dropped piano and sweat gathered between his shoulder blades. He wanted nothing more than to get outside. “What’s this about?”The man saw Peter’s rising tension and eased away from the woman, opening up the angles, giving himself room. He moved well enough, but he seemed unconcerned. There were a half-dozen other officers within view.If he’d known what Peter was capable of, the things Peter had done, the things Peter was contemplating at that very moment, he would have been worried as hell.The woman smiled with professional warmth. “Your name is Peter, right? I’m Sigrid. This is Hj‡lmar. Come with us for a moment, we’ll explain everything. Would you like a coffee?”Peter pulled in another long breath, then bent to pick up his duffel. He already wore the big pack slung over one shoulder. “Sure,” he said. “Coffee would be good.” Or a double bourbon, neat. Then another, washing down four more Valium.He needed to get the fuck out of there. Read more

Customers Review:

If you read book one in the series, you read this one. Very good read. One negative: There is way too much “dreaming” and way too much “static.” I appreciate bad dreams and PTSD. You cannot spend pages and pages and pages of bad dreams and the anxiety that Peter Ash feels when he is indoors. It’s like spending 50 pages of how great bacon and eggs are. We get it. Christ, move on.
I don’t think I’ve ever said this about a mystery/thriller novel, but this book is absolutely beautifully written. I don’t really know how else to describe it. Nick Petrie’s books and writing continues to get better and better, and the plot and characters keep growing, improving, and developing. Petrie’s writing, at times, almost feel like reading poetry or Shakespeare, with his vivid descriptions, allowing the reader see, smell, hear, or feel exactly what’s happening in the scene. This novel is largely set in Iceland, and Petrie makes you feel as if you are there, sitting right next to Peter Ash on this adventure. To do this also takes, I imagine, a large amount of research, which is so evident by the descriptions. This novel felt like a combination of amazing authors all coming together. Peter Ash feels like Jack Reacher, the setting and description is like a cross between the back country of C.J. Box’s novels with a detail intricacies like Clancy. It keeps you locked in like Vince Flynn or Brad Thor.I can’t begin to describe how much I loved this book. I imagine it will be one of my favorites of 2020, although it’s a little early to say. This series quickly rocketed up to one of my favorites out there. I applaud Nick Petrie for his ability to develop this amazing, in-depth character, who isn’t necessarily this can-do-no-wrong gunslinger that we see lots of nowadays. This character feels real, and his stories are amazing. Highly, highly recommend this book and series.Although you could easily read this as a standalone, I would definitely recommend reading the series first. It will provide some backstory to the character that you don’t want to miss out on.
I loved the first four books of this series, but The Wild One simply isn’t up to Nick Petrie’s usual standard. The plot is inventive, but there’s too much violence and far too little plot development. The book has “present day” and twelve months earlier” sections intertwined, which is OK, but unfortunately some of the “present day” sections don’t make chronological sense (at least to me).Having said that, the tour of Iceland was terrific, and I continue to admire and sympathize with the character of Peter Ash.
Debated between 3 or 4 stars. First, I love this series and the Peter Ash character. I loved the Iceland setting, but missed Peter’s buddy. I liked the story ok, but was put off by the repetition of all of his PTSD symptoms. That and the dream that haunted him. It became irritating to read the same two things over and over in detail. I also would have liked to see a little more interaction between the characters in the book. Thinking back on the book, which I read a couple of weeks ago, I’m picturing Peter suffering from the bitter cold, trying to ward off both his bad dream and his PTSD symptoms. That is not exactly a compliment for the characters in the book or the plot of the story.
There are three things that give me the willies when I read about them in thrillers: Altitude, claustrophobic situations, and extreme winter. This novel if chock full of the third, as it takes place in Iceland during a December hurricane. If you like the strong, all-conquering lead character, then you will like Peter Ash. He allows the Casper Milquetoast in us to shed our fears an inhibitions, and to be the Alpha Male we wish we were. The novel was well plotted, although I was able to figure out and anticipate some of the twists very early. My only criticism s that the PTSD claustrophobia that plagues Ash is getting old, and since its origins are related in this tale, it doesn’t seem to follow from the cause. Time to ditch or cut back on this gimmick. Also, at the end, there were several loose ends that were not tidied up.
Great story, intriguing plot, awesome setting equals a thoroughly fascinating read. I’m not find of “time-shifting”, which to me is moving back and forth from present to past. It’s okay, but frequently annoys me. It’s a good technique, but it makes me tired. Doesn’t hurt your the book, or the story, but it’s not my usual cup of tea. It won’t stop me from pre-ordering the next book in the series. Read them from the beginning so the backstory is clear.
Right from the start I’m going to admit a slight bias: I grew up in the same Milwaukee suburb as Nick Petrie and attended the same high school. I knew his older brother and I had passing interactions with Nick himself back in the 1980s.That bias (if it really is one) would mean nothing if I didn’t think Petrie wasn’t writing fantastic thrillers.In this, the fifth Peter Ash outing, our PTSD-affected hero is thrust into completely alien territory – Iceland, to be precise. He’s been hired to find a father and son who have fled to the father’s homeland after his wife is brutally murdered.Without giving away anything, I’ll simply say this is one heck of a high-octane thriller, with our suffering hero overcoming one obstacle after the next (including his on-going battle with PTSD). The story is deftly paced, and Petrie weaves real heart into his characters. These are not just cookie-cutter heroes and villains.I love stories about hard-won victories, and characters who have a lot to overcome. In fact, one reason I dislike contemporary literary novels is the characters are often all misery with no forward movement. Peter Ash is a man with a difficult and checkered past, but he’s profoundly moral and intent on self-improvement. I love him.I also love seeing Petrie himself succeed in a tough genre that is pretty saturated. In interviews, he comes across as friendly and driven, and a guy willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Well done, Nick, and keep ’em coming!