Minggu, 24 Mei 2020

[PDF] Download Younique: Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You by Will Mancini | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Younique: Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You
Author: Will Mancini
Number of pages:
Publisher: B&H Books (January 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 1462766676
Rating: 4,9     51 reviews

Book Description

About the Author Will Mancini is a church consultant and ministry entrepreneur. He started three interconnected organizations that help the church embody the movement that Jesus founded. In 2004 Will started Auxano, a nationally-based, non-profit church consulting firm that works with 400 churches a year to create break-thru clarity around disciple-making and visionary planning. In 2015 he cofounded Younique, a coaching company that delivers gospel-centered life design through local churches. In 2019 Will founded Denominee, a consulting group that increases the value of denominational and network leaders to the local church.   Will is the author of five books including Church Unique and God Dreams, and he enjoys speaking and writing about how to create clarity and live a life of more meaningful progress. Will lives in Houston with his wife Romy and has four children. You can learn more about Will and his ecosystem of break-thru ideas, tools, and organizations at willmancini.com. Connect with him on Instagram at @will_be_clear and on Twitter at @willmancini. Read more

Customers Review:

I’ve done a lot of workshops and looked at a lot of resources for figuring out what I wanted to do ‘when I grow up’. Mancini and his co-authors have put together the best overall resource for doing this…and not just the one time but also as an ongoing plan to review weekly, quarterly, annually and so on. They have combined many of the other tools, assessments, perspectives that you might see on a solo basis into a comprehensive, 360-degree review of how God’s been writing your story and how He has designed you to write the next chapter(s) of your life. The value of this book is worth it if you just read the book. Even greater value is gained when you link to the video and other resources offered free that the book shows you. Those videos and other resources augment the book, showing you more examples, practical ways to understand and execute the forms/plans, etc. The greatest value is when you do the work that the book and videos have put together.I trust Manicini’s and the others’ experiences and guidance here. It’s based on years of presenting this material in accelerated, intensive workshops (of which I’ve been an attendee) and thousands of participants in guided weekly groups.
As someone who’s been on a quest of stewardship and clarity around mission, vision, and purpose I’ve read a fair bit in this space. There are a ton of great books out there around dreams, vision, goals, life #hacks, personality insights and the like. Many of them are quite good. Then there is the whole life planning arena which has fewer great platforms or frameworks. What I so appreciate about Younique are 2 exceptional factors – the “Gospel” is actually foundational and it’s an operating system to realistically help you achieve vision with resilience. What do I mean? Well, it is so easy for these types of resources to be exercises in narcissism where we then ask Jesus to bless our plans. Younique asks you to surrender the entire quest to the question of who has God made you to be, where are lies, wounds, and sinful patterns hijacking that clarity so that you truly anchor the journey in a Gospel-shaped outlook. Then, the incredible frameworks and implementation tools ensure you not only envision and rightly assess the depth of future but truly walk it out and navigate the inevitable curveballs along the way.I bought over 100 copies for coworkers and friends and just ordered some more. Our cat sat on a stack of them in front of our Christmas tree perplexed by the abundance of orange books accumulating!Younique aggregates the best of many platforms and tools into a cohesive operating system that can truly help get you to clarity not on a plan but the right plan. It’s a book you’ll reread, refresh, and want to share with others.
I like the line in Will Mancini’s book Younique where the old question, “What would Jesus do?” is changed to a more specific question, “How would Jesus live if he were you?” At your job, in your home, in your relationships, in class, …the list is endless. I consider Younique as a guide book to direct my journey, my path, to grow in the image of Christ. It points out that if I am doing the same job the same way I did last year, I’m not growing. So how does one design their life? The Younique vision journey is made up of five parts—like a road map. Part 1 is the clarity spiral, which helps you find personal clarity. Part 2 is about finding your sweet spot where passion, ability, and context meet—to help you find your one thing, your personal assignment from God. The book takes you deep. There’s nothing superficial here. Part 3 is discovering your identity to frame your vision. This is done by identifying your mission, values, strategy, and measures to find your vision proper. Part 4 is about developing a plan for your life, using the horizon storyline. You plot four horizons of time—from now to more than three years out. What do you want to be? What are your dreams? Part 5 introduces the Like-Making Cycle. Too many life plans are never fulfilled. We complete them and then lose track of everything about them. This part help readers plan how to make the plan come alive. Then part 6 talks about our destiny and how we make it happen. It starts with the concept of a personal bucket list. Many of us have one. Then comes destiny, with ideas on how to define it for yourself and discover your ultimate contribution. Finally, we are asked to take a short look at finding clarity about death. Youinque is about “designing the life God dreamed for you.”The book is filled with illustrations and graphs to help readers understand the concepts of the chapters. And throughout the book are links to online help to help you with your personal Life Discovery journey. These multiply the value of the book many times over. Finding your Younique calling is not always easy. But if you want to find the purpose of your life’s calling, this book will help you get there. Read it and follow the exercises. You’ll be blessed many time over.