Kamis, 09 Juli 2020

[PDF] Download Penric's Progress (World of the Five Gods) by Lois McMaster Bujold | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Penric’s Progress (World of the Five Gods)
Author: Lois McMaster Bujold
Number of pages:
Publisher: Baen (January 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 1982124296
Rating: 4,3     21 reviews

Book Description

About the Author A science fiction legend, Lois McMaster Bujold has won seven Hugo Awards and three Nebula Awards. Her Miles Vorkosigan saga is a massively popular science fiction mainstay. Her many New York Times bestsellers include previous series entries Cryoburn, Diplomatic Immunity, and Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance. In 2020, Ms. Bujold was named the 36th Damon Knight Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Read more

Customers Review:

These stories were as enjoyable as the first time I read them. However, I would have preferred to have not purchased a republication of three books that I purchased previously.
There is a reason that Lois McMaster Bujold will be honored with the title Grand Master this year at the Nebula awards by the SF Writers of America. I have been a fan for many years and I am always excited when she comes out with a new creation. My major complaint has always been that she doesn’t write fast enough to feed my addiction.Warning: this is not new work! This is a collection of the first 3 Penric and Desdemona novellas. I have been following their adventures eagerly since the series first started and have already read these tales in ebook form. I, of course, immediately ordered this hardcover when it became available. There’s nothing like a tangible book to display proudly on your shelf, hold in your hands and revisit from time to time. I just finished reading this hardcover version and had to post.I am not going to summarize this book. Multiple other reviewers have done it well. If you follow all of her work, you realize that she builds worlds better than anyone else. Whether it is her space operas, fantasy worlds, romances or combinations of these, the worlds always have structure and richness. They make sense internally and always have an inner depth (as in the religious system found in the Chalion books) but is only detailed to a point that enriches Penric’s story without getting in the way.What I would like to point out is the uniqueness of the protagonist. He succeeds because he is a nice guy. Wow! He does not succeed due to finding out he had latent magic in him or because he is the grandson of a powerful sorcerer. He wasn’t adopted by his parents as a babe due to his bio parents being mutants with special powers. He doesn’t succeed by winning the day despite being a jerk. He doesn’t succeed by being great at combat despite being a nice person or found inner strength as Good always wins over Evil. There is no prophecy that tells of his coming. He succeeds where others might have failed BECAUSE he is a nice person. It would never have occurred to Penric not to give Desdemona her name. He didn’t do it because he thought it would manipulate her, nor even because he felt it was Just. He did it because he is an inherently thoughtful person. He is just a decent human being. How refreshing!I understand that some reviewers bought this collection as an ebook thinking it was new material and felt cheated, but I wish they wouldn’t express it in low stars as it might keep new readers from her work. Amazon allows you to return Kindle books if it is within a week and get a refund. Go to https://smile.amazon.com/digitalorders and under digital orders select return for refund. If this did not work for you because it was a pre-order then we need to retaliate against Amazon – not Lois. I’ll be happy to help complain, sign a petition, etc. if it doesn’t’t work with pre-orders. I would think it would be within a week of delivery, not order (I’ve never tried) but if not, then that needs to be fixed.But this book! If you haven’t followed Penric before, then buy as ebook or hard copy. If you have bought the novellas separately, in the past, and you can afford it, than I would get the hardcover collection anyway. I’ve already pre-ordered the next volume.
This is not a new book. It’s a collection of three previous books I already have.
So glad to have more stories in the Five Gods world. I did not read the ebooks as my reading online tends to be only factual, so I have been eagerly awaiting this collection of the first 3 stories in print. Bujold continues to work her story telling magic. Loved these and have pre-ordered the next book.
I love all the Penric stories and thought this was new. And, if you haven’t read them this is a great way to go.
Ahoy there me mateys! These delightful novellas take place in the World of the Five Gods from the trilogy of that name. That said, ye do NOT have to have read the trilogy first, though I did. Book one of the trilogy, curse of the chalion, is one of the best fantasy books I have ever read. Period. I reread that book earlier this year and quickly polished off the remaining two. After finishing the trilogy I just knew I had to get me mitts on the seven novellas set in this world. And I was thrilled to find out they were all being republished in a two-book omnibus set. This review is for penric’s progress which contains the novellas penric’s demon, penric and the shaman, and penric’s fox. In addition there also be an introduction from the author that states (among other things):“So from my point of view, the ideal reader should now put down this introduction and turn to the start of the actual story, spoiler-free. Come back later; these words will wait, and the leisurely chat that follows will make more sense in context.”I took a break after each novella to (slightly) prolong the reading and record me thoughts. I also read the remainder of the introduction last (as suggested) and include me thoughts for that too. Minor spoilers from the blurbs be used so read at yer own peril . . .penric’s demon:How glorious it be to revisit the World of the Five Gods and meet Penric. I absolutely love good-hearted, kind-natured Penric. On the way to his betrothal, Penric’s future is thrown into peril when he inadvertently becomes a host to a demon pledged to the Bastard, one of the Five Gods. Now a demon is supposed to be transferred to prepared and high-status people – not an untrained young man. So Penric has to cope with the complications of having a combination of twelve female personalities inside of him and the powers that subsequently ensue. While the plot is straight-forward enough, it be Penric’s personality and how he interactions with his demon that truly shine. I particularly loved how they meet and begin their relationship. Penric genuinely wants to do the right thing and he be intelligent even if his naivety gets in the way. The story seems simple at first glance but is richly nuanced and a delight. I adored it! I was completely engrossed in this tale and am so glad I have the next two to read immediately after.penric and the shaman:Well this certainly surprised me. The first surprise be the time jump of multiple years. I was slightly sad because I wanted more of how Penric and Desdemona learn to work together and their life at university. The second surprise be multiple points of view. There be three – Penric, Oswyl, and Inglis. Penric is asked to help hunt down a fugitive. Oswyl is the hunter and Inglis is the hunted (and a suspected murderer). Though the World of the Five Gods has, well, five gods, there be another type of magic as well. That of shamanism. The third book of the trilogy (publishing order), the hallowed hunt, dealt with that aspect of magic. The third surprise of the novella was how much I loved it. I quickly got used to the newer and wiser Penric. I thought it was entertaining that I had forgotten (already!) that Penric was 19 in the first novella because he felt so much younger in that one. I loved getting to see the two types of magic working side by side. But above all I continue to love the world building and the characters. Not quite enough Desdemona in this one but I loved what ye got. And the resolution was extremely satisfying and fun. Onto the next!penric’s fox:Well dang these just get better and better. This novella is back to being in only Penric’s point of view but does once again feature Oswyl and Inglis as characters. Penric and Inglis are out to enjoy a quiet day of fishing only to be drawn into a murder investigation. The problem, besides the body of course, is the dead sorcerer’s missing demon. Where did it go? Can they track it down and solve a murder? Well aye, but I won’t spoil the fun of how it all goes down. So very fun. I did not know where this tale was going but thought the ending was perfect. I also continue to love that having demon or shaman magic does not equal an easier life. Penric is run ragged. It be a very bittersweet life. But more Desdemona in this one. Arrrr! I think this one is (barely) me favourite of the three, followed by one then two. But seriously, I love them all. The further insight into the Gods and magic be excellent.the introduction:I loved, loved, loved the leisurely chat! So an element of the author’s work be that her stories grow “organically” and thus are not published in the stories’ chronological order. In this edition, the author has arranged the Penric novellas chronologically for ye. She also provides an overview at the end of the book of “all my stories and how they relate to one another” with a reading order guide. Awesome. Even more awesome is that the rest of the introduction details the author’s writing process, how she names her series, how she came to write the Penric novellas, etc. Seriously ARRRR! I be very glad I listened to the author and read that information with the context I had from the novellas. Listen to her genius.Now I read the World of Five Gods original trilogy in the publishing order as is me general preference and rule. However, I am so very glad to have the author’s reading order guide because I am certainly going to branch out to her sci-fi work given how much I have adored this fantasy world. As for the Vorkosigan Saga and best reading order, the author states that she “favor[s] internal chronological, with a few adjustments.” I will defer to her wisdom and will read them in her stated order with this book as me guide.I certainly call this omnibus a smashing success and will be rereading these delightful novellas. I cannot wait for 5/5/2020 so I can read the next omnibus edition, penric’s travels. So excited. But in the meantime there be plenty of backlist books to read. Arrrr!I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for me honest musings.