Jumat, 26 Juni 2020

[PDF] Download Losing the Good Portion: Why Men Are Alienated from Christianity by Leon J. Podles | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Losing the Good Portion: Why Men Are Alienated from Christianity
Author: Leon J. Podles
Number of pages:
Publisher: St. Augustines Press; 1 edition (January 15, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 158731505X
Rating: 5     1 reviews

Book Description

About the Author Leon Podles is also the author of The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity and of Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. He has published articles in Touchstone, Crisis, America, The American Spectator, The Antioch Review, and other periodicals. He is president of the Crossland Foundation and worked as a federal investigator for many years.   Read more

Customers Review:

Losing the Good Portion – Why Men are Alienated from Christianity is an excellent book that will teach you important truths about men, women, families and Christianity. Here are some of those important truths that Leon Podles points out:In 19th century Western Europe, the “natural” basis of society was the family, and the “natural” order of the family was the patriarchal family, with the man as the head and the woman as the heart. Man as rational was in charge of the public sphere; woman as sentimental was in charge of the private sphere. The differences between man and woman meant that man was best suited for the public sphere, which was one of assertiveness, aggression, war and violence, and the woman for the domestic sphere, which was one of nurturing and affection. This could be summarized as masculine force and feminine beauty. The husband and wife vowed to love each other completely and founded a family. The man was civilized when he became head of a family; he looked to the good of his children and to the future; he became a citizen, and he represented the public face of the family. If the differences between men and women were reduced to differences in genitals, there would no longer be a society of families, but simply men and women united by their fleeting sexual desire. Without the family, society became an atomized dust of individuals and was ripe for tyranny, against which the family was the strongest protection. [The father is the head of the family whereas the mother is the heart of the family.]Most men seek honor, and Christianity teaches the truth that the highest honor is to be honored by God. [Make God proud]Men accept Christianity because it fulfills their deepest longings, both the desire to be a real man, in the highest and deepest sense, and their longing for companionship, not to be alone in an empty universe but to have a companion and friend in the adventure of life and in the adventure that begins after life. [The best way to prove you are a man is to take up your cross and follow Christ. And friendship is important because men don’t want to be alone in an empty universe, and they want a companion and friend in the adventure of life.]There’s much more to this inspiring, profound and clearly-written book. Reading this book will help men become better men, and it will give women insights into what it means to be a man.