Jumat, 19 Juni 2020

[PDF] Download Nine Elms (Kate Marshall) by Robert Bryndza | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Nine Elms (Kate Marshall)
Author: Robert Bryndza
Number of pages:
Publisher: Sphere (January 16, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 0751572721
Rating: 4,6     500 reviews

Book Description

Robert Bryndza is ready to take the world by bestselling storm again with the introduction of Kate Marshall, a woman with a dark secret and a powerful sense of justice.Sixteen years ago, Kate Marshall was a rising star in the London Metropolitan police force. Young, ambitious and driven, with a talent for getting into the minds of criminals, she solved several high-profile murder cases.But when Kate was tasked with tracking down a vicious serial killer, even her instinct and ability to immerse herself in violent worlds couldn’t help her find him – until he found her.Now, years after her narrow escape, Kate lives a quiet life on the English coast, though her years with the police are still with her. And when one day she receives a letter from someone in her past, she is pulled back into the twisted mind of a murderer she knows only too well – and into a case only she can solve.

Customers Review:

I’ve read and enjoyed all of the Erika Foster series, so was excited to read the new character Kate Marshall. What a ride? It didn’t disappoint. I can’t wait to continue the journey.
Wow brought it Friday & couldn’t put it down. Had me on the edge if my seat from start to finish. I have read all of Robert’s books with Erika in and love them. I’m now looking forward to following Kate. This book isn’t for the faint hearted as it was very detailed & graphic. Thanks Robert for another nail biting book,I’m true fan of his books.
Absolutely brilliant! Gripping from start to finish! Electrifying indeed! Well done Robert, we’ll done! Can’t wait for the next one!
Plenty going on
Brilliant book. Just love Kate and Tristan. Can’t wait for the next book.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of Robert’s books and this new series with Kate Marshall didn’t disappoint. Waiting for the next one.
I always feel a slight disappointment when the author of a favourite series produces a new book – and it’s not from that series! No! What about Erika?!Mr Bryndza is a great story-teller, however, so I had no hesitation requesting this when it came up on NetGalley. Unfortunately I was declined the first time (wrong country I suspect) and only approved after publication on the second attempt, so I decided to catch up with my older deadlines and am now finally up to date (until tomorrow, when the next one is due…) Anyhoo, I am happy to report that the start of this new series is just as good as the Erika Foster books but with quite a different kind of heroine.In 1990, Kate Marshall was a newly promoted DC working in London when she unmasked the twisted Nine Elms Cannibal serial killer, but a serious indiscretion and press hounding cost her her police career. Twenty years on, she lives a quiet life by the sea near Exeter, lecturing in criminology and fighting to keep alcoholism at bay. When a new series of young women are killed in exactly the same way, Kate and her resourceful assistant Tristan are drawn into the case – the original killer is still locked up, so who is the copycat and why is he now targeting victims so close to where she lives?This was a tense well-written serial killer novel with a heroine who took a while to grow on me. We learn early on that she doesn’t have Erika’s gumption – her younger self standing by in shock when a kerb-crawler flashes her, rather than arresting his sleazy a**e. The alcoholic detective trope is well-worn but it isn’t overplayed here, and Kate’s struggles don’t take over the narrative. I liked the semi-maternal relationship she has with Tristan, as a surrogate for her actual son, the immature for fourteen Jake. (Do teenagers really want to build sandcastles and look at jellyfish?)There is some violence and a little gore, but it wasn’t excessive for this genre. I felt that some aspects of the police investigation were rather hard to believe, including what Kate and Tristan are allowed to get away with. Perhaps some police forces and secure hospitals really are that incompetent, who knows.The motivations of the new killer were also a bit thin and the denouement somewhat predictable but overall this was a solid start to the new series and I will definitely want to read about what Kate & Tristan do next. 4 solid stars.My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC which allowed me to give an honest review. Nine Elms is available now.
Nine Elms had me at Robert Bryndza! There are very few authors where I want to read their new book just on their name alone and without even seeing what the book is about. Robert is one of these authors for me. It is no secret that I am a massive fan of Robert’s work and I was so excited when I read that he was writing a brand new series. Nine Elms is one brilliant read that will keep you up reading well into the night, so make sure you have nothing else to do when you start this book as you will not be able to tear yourself away from it. You have been warned…This is one dark and twisted read that is perfect for fans of the thriller genre. The first book in this new series, Nine Elms will have you hooked right from the start and it is one that is best not to give any more details on than the tease of the blurb. I will say that Robert doesn’t waste any time in kicking off the story. You know when you get in a car and the driver thinks you are all in and starts to take off with you leg still out, well this is what the start of this book felt like for me! I love that in a book and Robert excels in this technique in all the books I have read of his in this genre. He is the master!Robert has done an amazing job with Kate’s character and just like Erika Foster, Kate kicks some major butt and packs a hell of a punch! She is strong but with a extremely vulnerable side, though not surprising with what she has been through and I absolutely loved her. Tristan is also a charming character that I enjoyed. Him and Kate work extremely well together and I look forward to reading more of him in future books. The Nine Elms serial killer is one of the most despicable characters that I have read, but has been written frightening well as the perfect villain and his methods are definitely what nightmares are made of! He still gives me chills when I think about this book.Robert has a very easy writing style that just captivates and engages you. When I read a book of Robert’s I just clear my mind and let him take me on the journey without trying to guess what is to come and how it could all unfold. His words just flow so well and each chapter becomes more intense than the last. Robert is definitely a pro at building the tension throughout and on more than one occasion had me gasping out loud and my heart pounding.If you have not read any of Robert’s books in the past you are definitely missing out! Nine Elms is the perfect one to start with which will then have you racing to buy all of his other books. With Nine Elms, I can not recommend this book highly enough and I think it is one of Robert’s best yet! I will be waiting very impatiently for the next book in this series. It was an absolute pleasure to be able to read and review Nine Elms.Thank-you to NetGalley, Sphere Books and Robert Bryndza for allowing me to read an advanced copy of Nine Elms which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.