Senin, 08 Juni 2020

[PDF] Download Too Close to Home: A Novel (Paul McGrath) by Andrew Grant | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Too Close to Home: A Novel (Paul McGrath)
Author: Andrew Grant
Number of pages:
Publisher: Ballantine Books (January 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 0525619623
Rating: 4     31 reviews

Book Description

Review Praise for Andrew Grant’s Invisible  “Crisp pacing, complex plotting, and a sympathetic good guy all make for a most satisfying read. Grant has several great series going, and the janitor-in-the-courthouse theme is fodder for another.”Kirkus Reviews“This is Grant’s ninth thriller, and it’s a very good one, suspense tempered throughout with moral dilemmas…. An intelligent, exciting novel.”Booklist   “[A] superior thriller . . . Grant capably combines a riveting plot and depth of character. His best outing to date, this standalone marks Grant as a rising genre star.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)“Engrossing . . . The fast-moving plot includes a neat twist. With any luck, Grant’s righteous hero will have a long career cleaning up corruption and meting out his own brand of justice.”Publishers Weekly“Propulsive and engaging from the very first page.”—C. J. Box, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Joe Pickett series “Paul McGrath is not just a janitor—he’s a terrific new hero in what promises to be a fantastic and original series by Grant. Paul may be invisible, but his results are not, in this intense mystery thriller that will leave you wanting more. In a word? Awesome.”—Allison Brennan, New York Times bestselling author of Too Far Gone   “Invisible is the perfect thriller for these perilous and imperfect times. Buy it. Read it. You won’t regret it and you won’t forget it.”—Lorenzo Carcaterra, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Sleepers and The Wolf   “The masterful Andrew Grant outdoes himself with this deliciously twisty, magnetic thriller.”—Sara Blaedel, #1 internationally bestselling author of The Forgotten Girls Read more About the Author Andrew Grant is the author of RUN, False Positive, False Friend, False Witness, and Invisible. He was born in Birmingham, England, and attended the University of Sheffield, where he studied English literature and drama. He ran a small independent theater company, and subsequently worked in the telecommunications industry for fifteen years. Grant and his wife, the novelist Tasha Alexander, live on a wildlife preserve in Wyoming. Read more Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Chapter OneI’d known Brett Ellison for almost thirty-­three minutes when we reached the service elevator. I’d already seen anger flash across his face. And surprise. And suspicion. But it wasn’t until we stepped out onto the roof—­which was more like stepping out onto the surface of a tiny moon—­that I saw the first trace of fear.The curved concrete shell was rough underfoot. It had been scoured and bleached by the wind and the sun until it was the texture and color of desiccated ivory, though the weather was playing nice that afternoon. The sky was calm and cloudless. There was no breeze. No birds were in sight. The streets below us were deserted, with the politicians being out of town until the next legislative session began, and the place was silent save for Ellison’s ragged breathing. The sun was low in the sky over my left shoulder, staining the pointed prows of the four neighboring government towers a soft pink, and ahead the Hudson cut a dark diagonal swath through Albany’s eerily empty downtown.“I don’t get it.” Ellison edged closer to me and grabbed my sleeve. “Why here? What am I supposed to see?”Ellison had been at his desk when I opened the door to his office, deep in the basement of the adjacent building. He was doing something with his cellphone. He had it at arm’s length, squinting at it like his reading glasses weren’t quite up to their job, and jabbing repeatedly at the screen with a rigid forefinger.“What the actual . . . ?” His finger froze in midair and he glared up at me over his circular lenses. “Who the hell are you?”“My name’s Paul.” I walked in, pulled one of his chrome-­framed visitor’s chairs back a couple of feet, and sat down. “I’d say it was a pleasure to be here, but it’s too soon to be sure.”“Hey!” Ellison jumped up and snatched off his glasses. “I didn’t say you could sit. What the hell do you want? Tell me, or haul your ass out of here, right now.”“Tell you, or haul my ass out?” I frowned. “I’m curious. Do you get many people showing up unannounced and not telling you what they want? Just hanging around, not saying a word?”“Did you come here just to annoy me?” Ellison placed his phone facedown on one pile of papers on his desk and threw his glasses onto another. “Or do you have any other purpose in life?”“OK, I’m sorry.” I held my hands up. “Let’s start over. The fact is, I came to see you. In person. I made a special trip, all the way from New York City.”“To see me?” Ellison ran his fingers through his thin, sandy hair, then reversed the motion to tug his fringe farther down over his forehead. “Why? Do I know you?”“Not yet.” I conjured up a smile. “But we’re going to change that. Starting now. Because I’m your new partner.”“Have you been smoking crack?” Ellison gestured toward the portrait of the governor, which was hanging at a slightly crooked angle on the wall behind his desk. “I’m a government official, dumbass. I don’t have any partners. New, or otherwise. I don’t know what kind of wild-­goose chase you’ve been sent on, but—­”“I’m not talking about your day job, Brett.” His phone started to vibrate, causing it to slide off the stack of papers and spin around on the chipped veneer surface of the desk like a stranded bug. “I’m talking about your other line of work. Your more lucrative one. The one you’ve been running with Marcus the last couple years.”“You’ve got some wires seriously crossed here, buddy.” Ellison drew himself up a little taller and folded his arms over his chest, wrinkling the fabric of his pin-­striped navy suit coat. “I don’t have another line of work. And I don’t know any Marcus.”“Sure you do.”“How many times?” Ellison planted his hands on his desk and leaned forward, revealing a slight gut and bringing it into conflict with the buttons of his neatly pressed white shirt. “I don’t have a partner. I’m not in any business.”“Final answer?”Ellison didn’t respond, so I took a wallet-­sized photograph from my jacket pocket and placed it on a creased manila folder, more or less directly under his nose. I made sure it was facedown. He pretended not to notice. He straightened up. Glared at me. Looked at the wall behind me. Stared at the framed emergency evacuation instructions mounted on the inside of the door. Glanced at the heavy wool overcoat hanging on a bentwood stand in the corner, next to the trash can. Gazed at the coarse brown carpet. Straightened a stack of documents. Hesitated, with his right hand poised in midair. Wrestled with his curiosity for a beat or two longer. And evidently lost, because after another couple of seconds he slowly slid the picture across to his side of the desk. Picked it up. Flipped it over. Studied it for a few seconds. Shrugged. Then let it slip through his fingers and watched as it fluttered down to land on the same pile of papers as his glasses.“I don’t know her.” Ellison’s voice barely reached me through the stale basement air.“No.” I retrieved the picture. It was of a woman. A Latina. She was in her mid-­thirties. Smiling. Beautiful. “But you will soon, right? You’re planning to get to know her very well.” I checked my watch. “In less than two hours. At the Renaissance. Room 2440.”Ellison didn’t respond.“In return for not reporting her husband to the INS. I believe that was the deal?”Ellison closed his eyes and rocked back on his heels for a moment. “So. I get it now. You want to be my partner. By which you mean, what? You want to help yourself to heaps of my money? Well, we can talk about that. But let me tell you, before we go any further, there has to be paperwork. NDAs. Watertight ones. With shitloads of penalties for breaching them. Because I’m not admitting to anything. And if I do, when I pay for something to go away, it stays gone away. We’re clear on that?”I sighed, got up, and started toward the door.“Wait!” Ellison’s eyes stretched wide. “Where are you going? You haven’t told me how much you want. Give me a chance to negotiate!”I paused. “First, I don’t negotiate. That just leads to both sides being dissatisfied. Better for one side to be happy. My side, obviously. And second, you don’t get it at all. I’m wasting my time here. I had no idea you were such a wuss. You’re not cut out to be my partner. I expected a man with vision. With ambition. Who was ready to grab a golden opportunity with both hands, not run and hide from shadows. But don’t worry. You’re not the only game in town. I’ll find someone else. Someone with a backbone.”“I have plenty of backbone!” Ellison was suddenly all puffed up. “And vision. This whole business model was my creation, remember, so don’t—­”“Business model?” I shook my head. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You skim undocumented workers’ wages and take sexual advantage of their wives. We’re not talking Shark Tank material here, Brett. Which is why I was planning to—­how do you MBA guys put it?—­shift your paradigm. But now I’m not so sure. I’m not convinced you can handle it.”Ellison snorted. “I saw an opportunity. I took it. That’s who I am. An innovator. An entrepreneur. This operation? It’s just a small part of what I do. And for the record, I can handle anything.” He stuck out his jaw. “Tell me what you have in mind. I’ll evaluate it, and if I think it’ll fly I’ll consider letting you get on board.”“I don’t think so.” I took another step toward the door. “I don’t like your attitude. Here’s what you should do. Find a replacement for Marcus. Carry on the way you were. Forget about all the extra money we could have made together. And all the extra women I could have sent your way.”“I can’t just forget about . . . wait.” Ellison’s eyes narrowed. “A replacement for Marcus? You didn’t . . . is he . . . ?”“Marcus retired.” I kept my expression neutral. “On account of the accident he was about to have. Don’t worry. Call him if you want. He’s fine. And he’ll stay that way, as long as he stays retired.”“OK.” Ellison nodded. “Marcus is out of the picture. He stays out. I get it. See? I can be flexible. I can adapt. I can be a team player. But the question is, can you? Because you know what? There’s something you’re forgetting.”I raised my eyebrows.“You want to work in this town, there are wheels that need to be greased. I have the connections. You don’t.”I didn’t reply.“You don’t.” Ellison sounded confident. “I’d know. So if you want to succeed here, you need me.”I let a few seconds tick by. “Or someone like you.” Read more

Customers Review:

Paul McGrath returns to New York following a career in military intelligence spent primarily outside the United States. His return is also because of the recent death of his father. His mother had died years earlier. His father was a very wealthy man. Paul is now a very wealthy man, although he obtains a job in the courthouse as a janitor. He does this to find evidence that his father was defrauded by his partner and during a trial of this partner, the file of evidence disappears and the case is thrown out. Paul needs to find that file.Paul also likes to aid people in need that were wronged. Len Hendrie was wronged in a stock trading case and Paul is determined to help him. So, is the story in the recently released “Too Close to Home” by author Andrew Grant. This is his ninth novel and the second novel featuring Paul McGrath. Evidently this will be a series of a wealthy janitor helping others.While this is the third novel that this reader has read by author Grant, at the end of each novel there is sort of a feeling that is not complete. Not a feeling that one wishes the novel continued or the feeling that one cannot wait for the next novel by this author. And, should the Paul McGrath novels become a series, not sure that this is a series that will be followed by this reader. Probably not. Andrew Grant is the younger brother of author Lee Child. When this reader finishes a Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child, he can’t wait for the next one. Not the same case with author Andrew Grant.
This book is one of the rare times that I don’t finish a book once I started to read it. The start of the book was confusing and seemed disjointed. Hence – the reason I quit reading it.
Paul McGrath was an Intelligence agent for the U.S. Army when he received word that his father had been murdered. Hurrying home he is in time to witness the trial of the suspected murderer and to see him go free when a file detailing the alleged crime goes missing. Paul than takes a job as a janitor in the courthouse in which the trial took place in order to look for the file and what happened to it. This action takes place in the first book detailing McGrath’s taking the job. The current novel is the second book and takes up Paul Mcrath’s continuing search. A second situation comes up in which a man is going to trial for setting fire to another’s house. He tells McGrath that he did it because the man that owned the house preys upon the people that he handles investments for in order to defraud them of some of the funds. The situation runs concurrently with the search for the missing file. Should be interesting with the disguise as janitor quite a novel idea. Unfortunately there is a shortage of action with a lot of conversation making up most of the story. That factor does detract from events depicted. There is a section of the book dedicated to the events bringing the characters to the present day and is interesting taken on it’s own. But, if Mr Grant intends to continue with the character it might be more advantageous returning him to his job as an intelligence officer rather than keeping him confined to cleaning floors in the courthouse.
Too Close To Home has all the elements of a standard vigilante/revenge novel. Unfortunately, the author has neither the writing chops, nor the real-life experience to put these elements together. The book is little more than an unrealized cliche. The obvious errors in the structure of the book only serve to exacerbate all this.Grant probably has the talent to write something memorable. But as it now stands, his writing is basically a muddled marriage of Captain Obvious meets Second Year MFA Creative Writing student. Which is to say that in this, The Age of Amazon, TOO CLOSE TOO HOME is about what we’ve come to expect from mainstream fiction.You know: stories written by the same old writers, writing the same old stories, populated by the same old characters. I had hopes for The Janitor. The idea is there. Unfortunately, Grant does not have what it takes to turn that idea into a story that comes alive. I did not for a minute believe The Janitor, his sidekick, nor, for that matter, most of the characters in this book.For one thing, no one who lives or dies based on his or her ability to read people would for even a second consider a janitor to be “invisible.” Just the opposite. If anything, in a courthouse, doing what courthouses do, if anyone is nearly invisible, it is the lawyers and office administrators (the head bureaucrats) who are nearly invisible. Anyone who has worked undercover knows, intuitively and intellectually, that the janitors and the clerks, and of course the defendants and their friends and families, are way up the list of who gets looked at first and longest.For example, to name just a few cases, I came across a janitor who had surived the Bataan Death March and POW camp for the remainder of the War, a Special Forces Vietnam Vet with two silver stars, three bronze stars, and two Purple Hearts, a serial killer who preyed on children, and who got his start with the French in French IndoChina (he disappeared, one day), a woman who was the only survivor of an airplane crash that killed 12, including her family, a whole raft of men and women who had Masters or PhD degrees, a dyslexic former Marine Corps sniper, a woman who could not sing in front of an audience, but could sing well enough to help some of the top Rock and Roll bands try out new songs in the studio (she was drop-dead beautiful, to boot; unfortunately, my undercover personna was too good for me to have any hope of ever even having coffee with her).In short, hiding as a “worker,” or, as some people put it, as a “little people,” is not how to be invisible.Don’t believe it? Go into your courthouse. Imagine that you are a police detective, there to testify at a trial. You’ve been a cop for, say, ten years. You’ve made friends, but you’ve probably made more enemies than friends. Everyone is a threat, until you decide they are not.It takes a professional to be able to hide from that kind of scrutiny. And The Janitor in this book is no professional. He was in “Army Intelligence.” (I laughed out loud at that. As if . . .) Often being a professional is not enough. Some people are suspicious just because you are there. Suspicious has become a way of life for them. The best you can do with such people is to keep their interest passive. Once it becomes active, they will chew on who you say you are, like a dog with a bone. When that happens, all you can do is leave, and not go back.The courthouse has a constant ever-changing population of people of this persuasion. Some of them are good guys. Most of them are not. The author’s idea of an invisible janitor wouldn’t last any time at all before someone who would not mean him well would have his number.Nope. Too Close to Home is not close enough. In fact, it is not close at all.