Jumat, 12 Juni 2020

[PDF] Download A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy by Jane McAlevey | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy
Author: Jane McAlevey
Number of pages:
Publisher: Ecco (January 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 0062908596
Rating: 4,2     4 reviews

Book Description

Review “Incisive, brilliant, combined with trenchant strategic analysis. If we had more organizers like Jane McAlevey, we’d be winning.” (Van Jones, CNN host and author of Beyond the Messy Truth)“An introduction to the world of unions and their enemies. . . . McAlevey’s writing is an attempt to circulate organizers’ skills, breathing life into the long-quiescent labor movement. . . . A Collective Bargain, like the rest of McAlevey’s work, is indispensable.” —Alex Press, Bookforum (Alex Press, Bookforum)“A half century ago, the Koch family targeted workers’ collective power with so-called right-to-work laws. Now they and their allies have expanded their agenda to shackling democracy writ large… McAlevey shows us how workplaces provided a laboratory for this audacious project of domination—and better still, she explains how following the strategies and tactics of savvy union organizers could help save America from an ever more ruthless right…This empowering book could not be more timely.” (Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America)&#8220Jane McAlevey has devoted her life to reigning the destructive power of concentrated wealth and she is consumed with one over-arching question: How do we win? In this essential book, she draws on decades of organizing experience to make an overwhelming case that the new face of working-class power is female and fiercely feminist. It’s past time to listen up.&#8221  ( Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything)&#8220Jane McAlevey is a brilliant strategist, rousing organizer, and razor-sharp critic inside the labor movement. In this critical moment when labor is resurgent, McAlevey’s small &#8220d&#8221 democratic spirit, and her humane, and deeply informed reporting and analysis is needed more than ever.&#8221  ( Katrina vanden Heuval, Editorial Director & Publisher, The Nation)“Read this book! It’s full of effective strategies for overcoming voter suppression against even the stiffest odds. Jane McAlevey is the type of experienced organizer the current White House fears.”  ( Benjamin Todd Jealous, Former National President and CEO of the NAACP)&#8220A battle cry for union rights in a time hostile to labor organizations.&#8221 ―Kirkus (Kirkus Reviews)“Labor activist McAlevey delivers a persuasive argument that the power of ‘strong, democratic’ trade unions can fix many of America’s social problems in this timely cri de coeur. . . . She offers a useful primer on how labor organizing works, and effectively refutes common assumptions about unions. . . . McAlevey’s . . . humor and contagious confidence in the efficacy of organized labor give this succinct volume an outsize impact.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review)) Read more About the Author Jane McAlevey is an organizer, author, and scholar. She is currently a senior policy fellow at the University of California at Berkeley’s Labor Center, part of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. McAlevey is also the strikes correspondent at The Nation magazine, has a biweekly advice column on strategy at Jacobin magazine, and is a regular media commentator. She continues to work as an organizer on union campaigns, to lead contract negotiations, and to train and develop organizers. Her first book, Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement, was named the “most valuable book of 2012” by The Nation. In 2015, she received her Ph.D. from the City University of New York, followed by two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Law School. Read more

Customers Review:

Great resource!
The author who has been a union organizer and a chief negotiator put together a pretty good book that contains a solid collection of union history both past and relatively current. The past history with what political actions that took place meaning the development of the NLRA and individuals exercising their collective power. It also talks about the many things that have harm unions in general with actions like the Taft Hartley act and other actions by both politicians and the business community that think or want to destroy unions. The attempts to destroy unions is not political party specific either as is noted in this book.It seems to me that this based mostly on service unions but there is a lot of information that is useful if are in a union or thinking about joining unions. There are a couple of examples one dealing with the Teachers Union and their efforts to rebuild their union from the ground up and going through the contract negotiations. The other with a Nurses Union in Philadelphia.There are a couple parts that myself being from a Building Trades union may have a difference of a opinion and the discussion on voter suppression but putting that aside there should many things to learn from. I received an ARC from Edelweiss for an Honest review. (less)