Rabu, 15 April 2020

[PDF] Download Me & Mr. Cigar by GibHaynes | Free EBOOK PDF English

Book Details

Title: Me & Mr. Cigar
Author: GibHaynes
Number of pages:
Publisher: Soho Teen (January 14, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 161695812X
Rating: 4,5     15 reviews

Book Description

Review Praise for Me and Mr. Cigar An LA Weekly Book of the Month“It takes a book as hilarious, bizarre, profane, and heartfelt as Me & Mr. Cigar to truly convey the surreality of coming of age as a teenage boy. This book hit this former teenage boy and new dog owner right in the heart, by way of the gut.”—Jeff Zentner, Morris Award winning author of The Serpent King and Goodbye Days “This book is so wild, so mind-blowing, much fun to read, that I almost forgot it was fiction! (It is fiction, right? Mega-giant tech companies aren’t really in cahoots with the government, right? Flying alien creatures aren’t really mistaken for lawnmowers . . . right? Please, tell me this is fiction!) Fast-paced, brilliantly funny, irreverent, clever . . . AND it’s illustrated? Me and Mr. Cigar is the quintessential teen read, and ipso facto a must-read for adults, too!” —Garth Stein, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Racing in the Rain “In the book world we call it ‘magical realism.’ In the music world they call it ‘psychedelic rock.’ Gibby Haynes is very good at both, which he proves with his brilliant first novel Me and Mr. Cigar. This novel has it all: glimpses into Haynes’s Texas childhood and teen years, a touch of his distinctive surrealism, and a heartfelt story which makes it a very good read.” —Blake Nelson, author of Girl and Recovery Road “I felt like I was diving into a YA written by Thomas Pynchon. It was a dang blast!” —Geoff Herbach, bestselling author of Stupid Fast “Butthole Surfers’ Gibby Haynes wrote a YA book as weird as the band’s music.”—The AV Club“This is a story of friendship and the complexities of family. Of retribution and forgiveness. And it’s hard to say much else without giving too much away . . . The book does feel rebellious and mildly dangerous—the sort of thing a young teen will delight in reading when the parents are downstairs watching TV, smiling at the fact that they’ll never know the subversive nature of the prose because, let’s face it, most parents don’t read their teen’s Young Adult novels. But the flip-side is that there are real life lessons in here.”LA Weekly“[Haynes] has traded in the bullhorn-blasted vocals for a more nuanced, but just as outrageous, form of expression . . . Combines the coming-of-age edge of The Catcher in the Rye with the surrealism of David Lynch.” —San Antonio Express-News “YA the Gibby Haynes way.” The Hype Magazine, Gift Guide “Are you sitting uncomfortably? Butthole Surfers chaos magnet Gibby Haynes has written a YA novel . . . It’s midway between a coming-of-age fable and a psychadelic road novel.” UNCUT Magazine “By far the weirdest book I have ever read.” —The Nerd Daily “Me & Mr. Cigar is a mind-blowing, surrealistic novel about a boy and his dog . . . This wonderful—if completely odd book is unlike anything you’ve read before.” —The Big Takeover “Haynes has concocted a compelling story. The cartoon chaos he used to create within the confines of a five-minute rock song were legend. Given 250 pages (divided into 90 speedy chapters), it’s bonkers.” —Red Hook Star-Revue “Oscar is wreathed by a colorful supporting cast led by a pooch who is generally the brightest and most dangerous character in the room . . . As boy-and-his-dog tales go, a long, long way from Lassie.” Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review “Haynes’s fast-paced debut is full of colorful characters and concepts.”—Publishers Weekly Read more About the Author Gibby Haynes is a musician, visual artist, writer, and filmmaker best known as a founding member of the Butthole Surfers, whose outrageous concerts spawned a global cult following and whose albums have sold millions worldwide. He lives in Brooklyn with his family. Me & Mr. Cigar is his first novel. Read more Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Prologue: The Next Best Thing to Getting Even Is Regretting It   By all accounts, twelve-year-old G. Oscar Lester III was a lucky boy. He lived on top of a hill in the biggest house in town with his father, G. Oscar Lester II, and his mother, Dolores Aims-Lester. The Aims before the Lester was important because, as his mother said, “The Aimses were better than the Lesters and ought to come first.” In addition to his mother and father, there were two servants, one butler, a gardener, two cooks and his sister, Rachel Dunbar Lester. Nobody but Mother knew where the “Dunbar” came from, but we all assumed it too was better than Lester.      Rachel tattled on Oscar, was mean to his dog, Mr. Cigar, and even stole Oscar’s allowance once and blamed it on the gardener. The gardener was fired, then rehired two days later, when Rachel tearfully admitted the crime at the family dinner table after showing up with a doll worth twice the value of her allowance.      Besides all that, the family was fairly normal for a family that lived on a hill in the biggest house in town with two servants, one butler, a gardener, two cooks and a dog named Mr. Cigar.      From all appearances, life was good for Oscar, and especially today, because it was Saturday. He could wake up late because his mom was at the club, and Big Oscar was playing golf. Oscar had all afternoon to walk around City Lake with Mr. Cigar. Then they would run home through the woods and eat pork and beans and tuna-fish sandwiches, because that’s what the cooks made on Saturdays when Dolores Aims and Big Oscar were not at home.      Oh, what a Saturday it was. There wasn’t a cloud in the bright blue sky. It was spring. The trees were just now green with blossoms of every kind and color all over.      This would be a great hike. Oscar had a stick in case they found a snake, two hard-boiled eggs in case they got hungry and a compass in case they got lost. But really, they didn’t need a compass, because they could see the top of Oscar’s house from almost everywhere, except from the woods.      City Lake Park was fun—full of frogs, fish, snakes, raccoons and even opossums, and a rare fox or two. The front side of the lake had picnic tables and cooking pits for all the families who liked that sort of thing. There was a huge field of bumps and trails where all the kids Oscar didn’t know would gather and ride their bikes. But the back side of the lake was Oscar’s favorite. It was the side of the lake where the wild things were less afraid. It was easier to catch crawdads on the back side. And if you turned over ten rocks, you would either find a snake, a scorpion, or both. Raccoon tracks were everywhere, and one time Sheriff Podus shot a three-footlong alligator there. Nobody would swim in the lake after that, until they realized the alligator had been stolen from the city zoo by high school kids as a prank.      Beyond the back side of the park, the lake turned into Mountain Creek, which was well named because it wound up running into the No-Name Mountains (that’s the name). Sometimes a hungry panther would wander down Mountain Creek to steal a chicken from Gebhart’s Chicken Farm.      Oscar’s hike today would take them a half mile up Mountain Creek, through a field where wildflowers would rise up every spring and paint an area the size of two football fields with an astonishing array of colors. Alongside the creek, halfway through the field, the ground started getting wet and wildflowers gave way to saw grass announcing the beginning of an impassable plot of land called Opossum Swamp. Only a fool would walk through this swamp. So, to get to “the woods,” one would have to walk around this muddy wasteland. It was at this point where the top of Oscar’s house would disappear. The possibility of getting lost was greater because the oaks that lived in the woods had enormous, high-reaching limbs that seemed to be woven together from tree to tree. And at this time of the year, the vines and branches were so thick with leaves, it seemed like the entire forest had just swallowed up the sky.      Beyond the wildflowers and swamp, it was a half mile through the neck of the woods, across a one-lane bridge, then a quarter mile to the school bus stop and up the hill to Oscar’s house, where pork and beans and tuna-fish sandwiches would be waiting. Oscar always walked briskly or even jogged through the woods because this was an uncertain place where navigation was difficult and attainable only through experience. The oak trees in this forest seemed to have arranged themselves in patterns indecipherable to Oscar. As he walked along, it would suddenly seem like he’d ended up in the same place from where he’d started.      Sometimes there were teenagers in the woods who would come across the bridge from the bus stop. Oscar had seen them before, cursing loudly, smoking grapevine and looking at Playboy magazines. They seemed threatening, so he gave them a wide berth, avoiding them at all costs.      It was also in these woods five years ago that Oscar had gotten lost. It was the first time Oscar took the school bus home. When he got off the bus, instead of going up the road and taking a left, he mistakenly went down the road and took a left. He crossed over the narrow bridge and quickly became disoriented among the oaks. Oscar wasn’t worried at first, but as time went on he had started to become concerned. Everywhere looked the same, and he had no bearings. Then, just as hope seemed to be a thing of the past, Oscar came to a small clearing, and in the middle of the opening was a small black-and-white terrier sitting on its haunches, crying intensely. Suddenly, the dog sprang to its feet and ran to Oscar, acting like they were long-lost friends, wagging its tail, licking Oscar’s face and yelping sounds of welcome.      Oscar instantly fell in love with this dog and he even forgot for a moment just how lost he, now they, were. The sun was starting to wane. It would soon become midautumn cold and Oscar had no idea where to go. He knew he had to keep moving and figured he had been going in a straight line, so it would be better to turn back and try to retrace his steps to reach the bridge. The black-and-white dog hung on Oscar’s every move. But, as Oscar was about to leave the clearing where he found the dog, the dog stopped abruptly, barked, then slowly started walking in the opposite direction. Since Oscar did not want to lose his companion, he turned and followed the dog. As Oscar began catching up with the dog, the dog started to pick up speed until Oscar was jogging briskly behind his new friend. Then, in what seemed like only a few minutes, right there, only twenty feet in front of the pair was the one-lane bridge—the bridge that would lead them to the bus stop and their way home.      As they crossed over the creaky old expanse of wood and rusting iron, the weary pair cleared the canopy of the forest, and Oscar could see the top of his house outlined in the orange disk of a full autumn moon. They ran past the bus stop, right down the middle of the road, then through the gate and up the hill to the family house. Oscar, more than relieved to be home, walked through the entry and into the dining room, where he had arrived just in time to see the coffee served after dessert. He breathlessly told of getting lost in the woods and being rescued by a black-and-white terrier. His father listened to his story and told him that the family had been worried about Little Oscar, and that he was foolish for getting lost. He then ordered Oscar, “Go to your room. Jenny”—the cook—“will bring your dinner to you there.” Oscar turned toward his room, then paused and replied, “Okay, but Daddy, the dog that showed me the way out is on the front porch.” He paused again. “Can I keep him?” Big Oscar ended the situation by proclaiming, “Absolutely not! Now go to your room. We are leaving early tomorrow for Uncle Vincent’s annual lobster brunch.” Without really acknowledging his father, Oscar formed the words, “Yes, sir.” He then turned and hurried to his bedroom and closed the door, then opened his window and called, “Here, boy,” in the direction of the front porch. Within seconds, the terrier was in Oscar’s room and under his sheets, curled up in a ball for a good night’s sleep.      Oscar waited until the next day to ask again if he could keep the dog. His dad said no and kept saying no every day for six more days, until he realized the dog had been staying in the house for a week without him noticing. Big Oscar finally gave in, said the dog could stay and asked what his name was. Without hesitating, Oscar replied, “Mr. Cigar.”      It had been five years since Oscar met Mr. Cigar, and they’ve hiked around City Lake many times since. Mr. Cigar had not changed a bit, and Oscar sometimes thought Mr. Cigar could read his mind. Today, as Oscar and Mr. Cigar walked down the hill to City Lake, Oscar remarked to himself that this not only had been a beautiful spring, it was also an important spring. Important because it was the last spring for Oscar before he became a teenager. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to be a teenager; he found the older kids threatening at times and he just sort of liked life the way it was. More important, this was his last spring on City Lake because in the fall he would be shipped off to Connelly Boarding School, over five hundred miles away. Oscar was okay with the school because it was a good one and he was an excellent student in any math or science class. Plus, Big Oscar paid for a gymnasium for the school a few years before, so it was okay for Mr. Cigar to live with Oscar in the dormitory.      Oscar’s sister, Rachel, was now seventeen. This was an important spring for her as well. She was just finishing her last year at St. Barbara’s, the local private school. In the fall she too would leave home. An excellent student and a better-than-average-artist, she would settle for nothing less than Ivy League, and was headed for Brown University. In the past she had preferred the friendship of her private-school friends over the local kids. In the last year of school, however, she had fallen in with some of the troublemakers, like the scary kids in the woods Oscar had seen before. Rachel had a boyfriend, Larry Teeter, who Oscar couldn’t stand because he would pretend to kick Mr. Cigar, and he said mean things and sometimes smelled like alcohol and cigarettes.      At the bottom of the hill on this important spring day, Oscar and Mr. Cigar turned into City Lake Park, passed the picnic tables and cooking pits and arrived at the field of bumps where the kids rode their bikes. Oscar only recently found out that Rachel and Larry sometimes went there and that everyone called this place Devil’s Ditches.      On the way to the back side of City Lake, Oscar and Mr. Cigar spent the afternoon lifting up rocks, lying in the sun and skipping stones in a particularly calm part of the lake, where the flat pieces of limestone seemed to float on the water’s surface forever. Mr. Cigar chased a rabbit that disappeared into a hole, and Oscar found a small garter snake that he held for a few moments before returning the reptile to its rocky lair. As the shadows started getting long, the pair continued up Mountain Creek and across the field of wildflowers, around Opossum Swamp approaching the last leg of their journey—the entrance to the woods where the giant oaks live and the forest swallows up the sky. Mr. Cigar barked and slowly picked up speed as they began their swift passage through the neck of the woods, over the bridge to the bottom of the road, where they would find themselves only moments away from home, pork and beans and tuna-fish sandwiches.      The forest was extra dark today as the sun dipped behind some clouds. But Oscar and Mr. Cigar had made this trip many times before, so navigation was not an issue. Soon, they came to the bridge and gingerly stepped onto its creaking mass of wood. As was his custom, Oscar stopped halfway across to stare at the shallow creek that flowed maybe ten feet below. It was at this point that Oscar realized that they were not alone. Coming from the other end of the bridge, between them and their tuna-fish sandwiches, was Larry Teeter, Rachel’s icky boyfriend. He was with three of his cronies that Oscar vaguely recognized, and they were approaching quickly. Oscar considered his options, but there was really nothing the pair could do but hold their ground and hope for the best. The four of them, faster and stronger than any twelve-year-old, were all wearing big, unfriendly smiles. Oscar knew that nothing happy was going to take place on the bridge that day. Read more

Customers Review:

Haynes probably possesses one of the more creative minds in music of the past several decades, and, boy, does it show in this short, punchy literary foray. Moving at a breakneck pace with lots going on, the novel (possibly novella if reformatted – not a critique, just an observation) is at its best when it delves into cornpone potboiler territory, with a series of deals gone wrong worthy of Justified, and, ironically, when describing the quieter aspects of its sci-fi world. Here, something like rural futurism emerges – which is very exciting.But it needs to be fleshed out.
Great work Gibby! Solid second act. I didn’t know what to expect. This book is great. The story is Weird, but intact- thankfully there are a couple of lose ends that hint at sequel. It reminded me of my youth, listening to cassette tapes of BH surfers in my first car- lots of life ahead of me- most of it weird. I read this book in Bali bed in Cancun . It took me a day and a half between trips to the ocean, the Bar and the buffet. I have decidedly less life ahead of me now a days. It’s much less weird. Maybe IJust got used to it. I dunno. This book kicks ass. It makes you feel things again.
It’s an odd mix of a boy’s love of his dog, the end of adolescence, science fiction, and general psychedelic that really works well together. Though labeled as “young adult fiction”, I found myself enjoying it immensely as a 50-something adult.
This was a fun book to read. It’s very unique and creative. Looking forward to more books by the author
I’ve been a Gibby Haynes fan for thirty years now so I might be a little biased, but I thought that this was an incredibly entertaining book. I would love for him to turn this into a series.
Wow. I have read an insane number of books in my life and this rates as one of the weirdest ones yet.Fantasy based in the real world and made (sort of) believable. I really liked the characters. The story just grabbed me up and it was a fast read. I like the stylized writing that just flowed along. You just don’t know what’s going to happen next.Gibby Haynes sure does have an active imagination. Made me laugh out loud a couple of times. While far from perfect, the ending leaves me wanting more. There is definitely an opening for a sequel.It’s not a children’s book by any means (drugs, some language, adult situations but no sex), but I think it would be a good read for some teenagers.It does wander just a bit and goes off on a minor tangent a couple times. There was a ‘Dude don’t be stupid’ moment.*Dear Mr Haynes – I want some Blippin’ more!{I mostly read thriller, horror, mystery and sci-fi}
This book, “Me & Mr. Cigar” by Gibby Hanes, was not a bad story, but is not the type of writing for everyone. It’s got a little sci-fi and a little fantasy in it, and those aspects were entertaining, but the biggest downfall was simply the structure. There was lots of jumping around in time and location in the story, and this was exacerbated simply by how often the jumps were and how short the … episodes? … were per each jump. The book was broken up into many many many ridiculously many small chapters, some being hardly more than a page of text. And of course the chapters generally coincided with the aforementioned jumps. The book started off reasonably strong with what felt to me to be a traditionally structured setting up of the place, times, and characters … the first chapter or two were written and structured like a normal novel, and then WHAM! all the jump cuts start. It gave me a headache. 3 pages, 1 page, 4 pages, 2 pages … chapter change, time and space jump, chapter change, time and space jump. Sometimes there were chapter breaks for no discernable reason other than perhaps the author felt he wrote too many words in one sitting and therefore decided that the next paragraph had to be defined as a separate chapter.The characters, settings, and what I could make of the story arc were all interesting and entertaining at times, but I simply could not make it through the structure … kept losing focus on who was doing what where and when. Got bored, did not finish.